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Get your diet working for you


We should all aim to eat a healthy, balanced diet, with few processed or junk items, but if you want to adapt your eating habits to suit your somatotype, here are the foods Adam recommends.


You’ll benefit from consuming more calories to support muscle growth and sustain energy levels, says Adam.

You should opt for:

✢ Complex carbs, such as quinoa, brown rice, sweet potatoes and wholegrain­s for lasting energy.

✢ Lean proteins, including chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes and tofu, to aid muscle growth.

✢ Healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil, to promote overall wellbeing while increasing calorie intake.

What to avoid: Because ectomorphs don’t gain weight readily, it can be easy to make poor food choices. With this in mind, you should limit sugary and processed foods.

Top tip: If trying to gain weight while exercising, you may find it easier to consume calories in liquid form – for example, through blended shakes made from whey protein, suggests Adam.


You should follow a diet packed with nutrients, and regulate your calorie intake, says Adam. Fill up on:

✢ Low glycaemic index carbs, such as wholemeal bread and pasta, and highfibre sources such as beans and lentils – although these should only make up a quarter of the plate at mealtimes. The largest part of the plate at lunch and dinner should be filled with vegetables to balance blood sugar levels and increase satiety (feeling of fullness) while minimising calorie intake.

✢ Low-fat protein, such as chicken, turkey, fish, legumes and low-fat dairy. Include one or more of these in each meal to support muscle developmen­t and weight control by promoting a feeling of fullness.

✢ Healthy fats. Eat fish, flaxseeds, nuts and olive oil. Keep an eye on portion control though, as fats are high in calories. What to avoid: Limit refined carbs, such as white bread and pasta, which are nutrient poor.

Top tip: If you’re an endomorph who’s struggling to lose body fat, track your food intake to keep an eye on calorie intake, suggests Adam.


‘You’ll benefit from whole unprocesse­d foods,’ says Adam. You should eat more: ✢ Complex carbs, such as brown rice, wholewheat products, vegetables and fruit to provide sustained energy.

✢ Protein from nutritious sources including chicken, fish and lean beef, as well as dairy products and plant-based proteins (nuts, tempeh and tofu). This is to support muscle maintenanc­e and growth.

✢ Healthy fats from avocados, fatty fish, nuts and seeds, and fewer unhealthy fats like those found in processed meat such as bacon and sausages, and fried foods.

What to avoid: Saturated fats from fried and junk food.

Top tip: Naturally muscular, mesomorphs tend to need more protein than other types, so keep that in mind when you’re preparing meals.

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