What's on TV


6-12 July 2024

- with Sally Trotman (sallytrotm­an.com)

ARIES (21 March-20 April)

Sometimes knowing when to walk away can be the hardest decision. The moment has come to let go and trust in new beginnings.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0426*

TAURUS (21 April-21 May)

Mars in your sign gives you the patience and perseveran­ce to pursue your goals. Why not use your creative talents to inspire others?

STARLINE: 0905 817 0427*

GEMINI (22 May-21 June)

Now that Jupiter’s moving through your sign for the next year, the sky really is the limit! Aim high and take a leap of faith.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0428*

CANCER (22 June-22 July)

The Sun in your sign gives you the motivation to follow your dreams. Listen to your heart and trust your inner guidance.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0429*

LEO (23 July-22 August)

On 12 July, Venus moves into your sign, bringing the focus to love. Know that you deserve the best!

STARLINE: 0905 817 0430*

VIRGO (23 August-22 September)

With the Moon in Leo on 10 and 11 July, you have the opportunit­y to start something new. Be brave and make a change.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0431*

LIBRA (23 September-22 October)

As the Moon returns to your sign, now is the perfect time to set three empowering intentions for the month ahead.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0432*

SCORPIO (23 October-21 November)

Your loyalty is unquestion­able, and those close to you know they can rely on you. Just ensure you’re prioritisi­ng your own self-care.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0433*

SAGITTARIU­S (22 November-20 December)

The saying, ‘Shoot for the Moon – even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars,’ couldn’t be more appropriat­e for you right now.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0434*

CAPRICORN (21 December-19 January)

Your hard-working approach to life wins through when an opportunit­y from out of nowhere comes your way. Seize the moment.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0435*

AQUARIUS (20 January-19 February)

You always consider the needs of others and think about how you can contribute to their wellbeing. This will be rewarded.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0436*

PISCES (20 February-20 March)

Have an important decision to make? Patience is the key – perhaps the timing isn’t quite right, or you don’t have all the facts.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0437*

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