Western Morning News

Starmer will reach out to European leaders


EUROPE cannot be “spectators in this chapter of history” and must do more to tackle people-smuggling and support Ukraine, Sir Keir Starmer said, ahead of hosting 45 leaders from neighbouri­ng countries at a major summit.

The Prime Minister said his efforts to change the way Britain engages with its allies across the continent will begin at the European Political Community meeting at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshir­e, this week. More than 45 leaders will attend the summit at Sir Winston Churchill’s former residence on Thursday – with migration, energy and “defending and securing democracy” high on the agenda, according to Downing Street.

As he prepares to host the summit, Sir Keir stated that Europe must “do more and go further” to address “vile” people-traffickin­g and Russia’s “barbaric” war.

He said: “Europe is at the forefront of some of the greatest challenges of our time. Russia’s barbaric war continues to reverberat­e across our continent, while vile smuggling gangs traffic innocent people on perilous journeys that too often end in tragedy.”

The Prime Minister added: “We cannot be spectators in this chapter of history. We must do more and go further, not just for the courageous Ukrainians on the front lines, or those being trafficked from country to country, but so our future generation­s look back with pride at what our continent achieved together.”

He continued: “I said I would change the way the UK engages with our European partners, working collaborat­ively to drive forward progress on these generation­al challenges, and that work starts at the European Political Community meeting on Thursday.”

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