Western Morning News

LTN traffic filters set for removal from streets


TEMPORARY traffic filters will be removed from roads in Exeter following a decision to end a Low Traffic Neighbourh­ood (LTN) trial.

The street furniture will be removed from Hamlin Lane, Vaughan Road and Whipton Lane in the Heavitree and Whipton Active Streets trial area on Monday.

Following the decision by the Exeter Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) earlier this month to suspend the Experiment­al Traffic Regulation Orders for these roads “as soon as practicabl­e”, officers have been investigat­ing whether planters could remain in place to act as traffic calming measures while still allowing through traffic.

An independen­t road safety audit, a site meeting with County Councillor­s and highways officers, and further investigat­ion of options has been carried out over the last couple of weeks, before being able to instruct contractor­s to remove the equipment.

The road safety audit process highlighte­d a number of potential problems for road users. These included concerns over the risk to cyclists passing on the kerbside of the planters and how they safely merge back with traffic, as well as the impact of give way markings obstructin­g side road access and driveways. The review also concluded that retaining the planters would offer minimal traffic calming benefits compared to their removal, due to the narrowing effects of parked cars and their proximity to a roundabout where speeds are typically lower.

Following the conclusion of this work, the removal of the traffic filters and planters will go ahead next week.

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