Western Morning News

Volunteers are making a real difference

- Alison Hernandez

RADIO listeners may be familiar with Dr Michael Mosley’s Just One Thing show, which looks at a single factor which has been shown to have a positive impact on people’s health.

Last week, Dr Mosley focused on some extraordin­ary research which indicates that volunteeri­ng is good for your physical, as well as mental, health. Students in a group who took part in regular volunteeri­ng sessions saw reduced obesity, blood pressure and even inflammati­on.

Researcher­s think that the psychologi­cal and social benefits of volunteeri­ng are responsibl­e for these remarkable results. Now, to mark Volunteers’ Week 2024 – organised by the National Council for Voluntary Organisati­ons – I would like to shine a light on all the wonderful people who give their time to help create safer communitie­s.

Appropriat­ely enough, this week began with a councillor advocate seminar. These advocates for policing and my office come from all walks of life and all levels of local government. The scheme is designed to put them in regular contact with their neighbourh­ood policing teams so they can work hand in hand to understand community priorities and tackle issues which matter most.

Being a councillor is often a thankless task and this week I would like to thank all those who give their time to make a real difference to cities, towns and villages up and down Devon and Cornwall.

There are around 150 councillor advocates around the force area, so, if you have an issue related to community safety and you want help or advice, consider asking your local council if they have a member on the scheme. These councillor­s have helped to inform me on numerous issues and played a seminal role in delivering my scheme to reopen police enquiry offices.

My office also run an Independen­t Custody Visitor scheme. This scheme supports me as I scrutinise the Chief Constable over his ability to deliver an effective and efficient custody service. Their main role is to check that detainees’ rights, entitlemen­ts and conditions are being met. Visits are unannounce­d and can occur day or night.

No one would pretend it is a glamorous role, but it does provide a vital service, and the Devon and Cornwall scheme has been recognised by the Independen­t Custody Visiting Associatio­n as meeting its exacting standards. In the year to April 2024, 25 of these volunteers made a total of 199 visits, and were able to resolve a number of issues with local policing teams.

Finally, as the commission­er of victim services in Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, I am immensely grateful to those who give their time to support victims of crime. Being involved in a crime can be bewilderin­g, especially if a case goes to court, and there are numerous volunteers engaged in assisting those affected by crime.

These volunteers played a key role in supporting people in the aftermath of the Keyham shooting in 2021, joining me in that community the day after those tragic events. They stand by the side of numerous other victims throughout the year.

Of course, Devon and Cornwall Police has many volunteers, from vehicle cleaners to actors who help with training new recruits and, of course, Special Constables, who have the same powers as regular officers.

Volunteeri­ng builds skills and experience, enhances self-confidence and boosts a sense of wellbeing. In policing, it makes a real difference to the communitie­s we all live in and care about making better.

So, if you feel inspired to find out more about volunteeri­ng for any of the opportunit­ies above, or are a councillor who wants to join my advocate scheme, visit my website (www.devonandco­rnwall-pcc.gov. uk) or call my office on 01392 225555.

Alison Hernandez is Police and Crime Commission­er for Devon, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

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 ?? ?? > Independen­t Custody Visitors on a visit to Exeter Police Station
> Independen­t Custody Visitors on a visit to Exeter Police Station

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