Western Morning News

Poor weather and water bug hit visitor numbers

- WMN REPORTER wmnnewsdes­k@reachplc.com

FALLING rain and rising costs have dented tourism numbers in Devon and Cornwall during the half-term week, a tourism boss has said.

Visit Cornwall chairman Malcolm Bell said numbers for tourism in Devon and Cornwall were expected to be between 15% and 20% down on a normal year.

The BBC reports that he added people coming for trips during the recent half-term holiday was expected to be about 102,000, and those staying nights estimated at about 495,000. A mixture of wet weather, the cost-of-living crisis and people holidaying abroad were key factors.

However, Rick Turner, who owns The Big Sheep attraction, in Devon, said he was seeing “very good numbers” this week.

Mr Turner told the BBC he was hoping to be between 10% and 20% up by the end of the week, and overall up on last year.

He cited local people visiting the attraction in Abbotsham as a reason his numbers may have been up. He said: “People are looking to give themselves a treat this half-term.

“Confidence has been low, but with inflation down and the interest rates going down, soon this maybe the first glimmer of better times ahead – everyone is looking for value,” he added.

Sally Everton, from Visit Devon, said she had spoken to a number of businesses and owners had reported numbers were lower than last year.

She said: “There have been a number of cancellati­ons across the county due to the national media coverage on the cryptospor­idium situation, reporting Devon rather than just the tiniest part – namely Brixham – that actually is affected.”

She added: “The reporting has now become a little more accurate, saying south Devon and Brixham.

Mr Bell said the weather was a factor in how many people would visit the two counties. He said: “The weather has not been brilliant. We are affected by the weather, and we just have to live with it.”

 ?? English Riviera BID Company ?? > Walkers on the South West Coast Path, between Goodringto­n and Brixham
English Riviera BID Company > Walkers on the South West Coast Path, between Goodringto­n and Brixham

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