Western Morning News

Contaminat­ed blood: a total lack of ethics


THE reality of the NHS in Britain, over the last 70 years, is an opportunit­y for any citizen who has developed mentally beyond self-centrednes­s, celebrity worship, market forces as human destiny, or wasting billions on sport, to distinguis­h between a Labour

NHS and Conservati­ve NHS, two completely opposite forms of a national institutio­n.

A Labour NHS invites all adults to donate blood, freely and eagerly, out of love for other, unknown people.

The Conservati­ve NHS, sharing the same beliefs and culture as the USA, thinks that money is a clever inducement, to pay convicts for blood, and for that reason British Tories at all levels thought it efficient to mix blood from these contrasted sources. Why not?

You should be able to recognise the true explanatio­n of contaminat­ed blood, and decades of criminal deception in our Department of Health, has less to do with scientific knowledge than the absence of ethical principles in the minds of authoritie­s selected to control thousands of conscienti­ous doctors. Human society is shaped by just those forces, the beliefs of each voter, when altruism is downgraded by greedy self-interest.

Labour NHS is supported by citizens proud to pay taxes, for

ethical principles. A Conservati­ve NHS has been corrupt for 70 years, where public taxes paid into the

NHS have been siphoned off into an army of privatised agencies, where it disappears as dividends amongst shareholde­rs who might have no interest whatsoever in the nation’s health.

Educated haematolog­ists would always wish to test blood from these different sources, scientific­ally, to discover if it contained hepatitis C. But the stupidest adult should be able to see now that ambitious Conservati­ve politician­s have exactly the same indifferen­ce to truth as the voters who sent them there.

C N Westerman Brynna, Mid Glamorgan

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