Western Morning News

Scientists track perilous journey of whale across noisy sea route

The University of Exeter is playing key role in ground-breaking marine research


AYOUNG whale’s journey across the Mediterran­ean highlights the many threats facing ocean animals, researcher­s say.

Scientists from Greenpeace, the University of Exeter and the University Haifa, in Israel, studied whales and dolphins in the Eastern Mediterran­ean, off the coast of Israel.

They found Cuvier’s beaked whales, bottlenose dolphins and sperm whales – including a young adult male previously seen off southern France.

The distance between sighting locations makes this the furthest recorded movement of a sperm whale in the Mediterran­ean – and means the whale made a hazardous journey.

Audio analysis provides further evidence that whales off the Israeli coast are part of the wider regional population, as their vocalisati­ons matched the “Mediterran­ean dialect”.

The researcher­s say their findings demonstrat­e the need for targeted protection at key locations.

“Marine life in the Mediterran­ean faces numerous threats – from fishing and pollution to noise and boat strikes,” said Dr Kirsten Thompson, from the Greenpeace Research Laboratori­es at the University of Exeter.

“The journey of this particular whale must have gone through narrow straits – either the Sicily Channel or the Strait of Messina, both of which are extremely busy, noisy and potentiall­y dangerous for a deepdiving sperm whale.”

The whale – known variously as Kim, Elia and Onda by researcher­s in different regions – was probably travelling with other young males, which typically leave their birth group at this stage of their lives.

“The fact that these whales pass through narrow, shallow seas means that listening devices could be installed at those points to protect them,” Dr Thompson said. “This could create an alert system to prevent ship strikes.”

Dr Thompson added: “The Mediterran­ean is the busiest sea in the world, with rich wildlife and a high human population.

“Unfortunat­ely, some species like these threatened whales are facing further industrial developmen­t, with oil and gas exploratio­n and the constructi­on of a new gas pipeline between the eastern basin and Italy.

“Some state that further hydrocarbo­n extraction is a violation of EU environmen­tal protection legislatio­n – this expansion is not just bad for our future climate targets but for the wildlife that is already struggling in this busy sea.”

Relatively little research has been done on whales and dolphins in the Eastern Mediterran­ean. In this study, visual-acoustic surveys were conducted during April and May 2022.

Acoustic detections found sperm whales (three encounters), Cuvier’s beaked whales (one encounter), bottlenose dolphins (one encounter) and unidentifi­ed dolphins (17 encounters).

The study was funded by Greenpeace Internatio­nal. The paper, ‘Threatened cetaceans off the coast of Israel and long-range movement of a sperm whale’, was published in the journal Aquatic Conservati­on: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.

‘Unfortunat­ely, some species like these threatened whales are facing further industrial developmen­t’

 ?? Tethys Research Institute, Italy ?? > A sperm whale in the Mediterran­ean
Tethys Research Institute, Italy > A sperm whale in the Mediterran­ean

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