Western Morning News

PM’s apology on ‘day of shame for British state’


RISHI Sunak has issued a “wholeheart­ed and unequivoca­l” apology to the victims of the biggest treatment disaster in the NHS, vowing that “comprehens­ive” compensati­on will be delivered “whatever it costs”.

The Prime Minister said it was “a day of shame for the British state” after the Infected Blood Inquiry identified a “catalogue of systemic, collective and individual failures” that amounted to a “calamity”. “At every level, the people and institutio­ns in which we place our trust failed in the most harrowing and devastatin­g way,” Mr Sunak said in a statement to the House of Commons.

“Layer and layer upon hurt, endured across decades, this is an apology from the State to every single person impacted by the scandal. It did not have to be this way. It should never have been this way.”

“And on behalf of this and every government stretching back to the 1970s, I am truly sorry.”

He promised to pay “comprehens­ive compensati­on” to those affected and infected by the scandal.

“Whatever it costs to deliver this scheme, we will pay it,” he added, saying details would be set out on Tuesday.

Ministers have earmarked around £10 billion for a compensati­on package.

Mr Sunak continued that “there can be moving on from a report that is so devastatin­g in its criticism,” adding that ministers will study the probe’s recommenda­tions “in detail” before returning to the Commons with a full response.

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said that failures applied “to all parties, including my own. “There is only one word: sorry.” He welcomed the PM’s confirmati­on of financial support for victims, saying Labour would “work with him to get that done swiftly”.

 ?? ?? > Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in the Commons
> Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in the Commons

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