Western Morning News

Tractor factory workers to strike


HUNDREDS of workers at a tractor factory are to strike in a dispute over pay.

Unite said more than 500 of its members at the CNH Industrial tractor factory in Basildon, Essex, will stage a series of nine one-day walkouts between May 14 and the end of the month.

The union accused the company of offering a 4% pay rise for 2024, rather than the 7.4% it believes should have been available under a previous agreement.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “The pay deal with CNH was agreed in good faith and the company’s extremely healthy finances show that there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for it not to be adhered to.

“CNH is simply trying to rake in even more profits by short-changing its workers. Unite never accepts attacks on our members’ jobs, pay or conditions and the CNH Basildon workforce have their union’s total backing in taking strike action.”

The shopfloor workers will strike on May 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30 May. More strikes will be scheduled if the dispute is not resolved.

A CNH spokespers­on said: “CNH is in negotiatio­ns with Unite representi­ng employees based at the company’s manufactur­ing site in Basildon, Essex.

“Following a ballot of its members, the union has informed the company that the workforce has voted in favour of both industrial action short of strike action and for strike action.

“The company is disappoint­ed that the parties were unable to reach an agreement and that Unite has decided on this course of action.”

The company said: “We foresee no disruption to tractor supply.”

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