Western Morning News

Former priest is jailed for sexual abuse of two boys

- PAUL GREAVES paul.greaves@reachplc.com

AFORMER priest has been jailed for the sexual abuse of two boys more than 25 years ago. Julian Wheeler, aged 75, also worked as a teacher in North Devon in the 1980s and 1990s, when he committed the offences.

Wheeler was convicted after a trial at Exeter Crown Court of 13 serious sexual offences and jailed for 11 years. The court heard moving victim impact statements in which the boys described the lifelong trauma caused by his crimes.

One said: “I respected him as a teacher and a priest but he took that and used it to manipulate and abuse me. He chose to exploit me. He abused my trust and now he has to live with that.”

At the time of the offending, Mr Wheeler was working as a curate in a Bideford church, a role he held from 1975 until 2003. The court heard how the abuse against the first victim began in the 1980s, with Wheeler befriendin­g the boy and sexually abusing him over the course of four years.

Wheeler began to abuse the second victim in the 1990s, again after befriendin­g the victim and subjecting him to years of sexual abuse.

In 2017, the first victim came forward to police about the abuse that had been suffered at the hands of Wheeler.

Officers launched an investigat­ion and contacted the other victim, who had previously reported similar offences against Wheeler.

Judge James Adkin said the abuse of the boys had a significan­t impact throughout their adult lives. He said listening to witness accounts during the trial had been “heart-rending”.

One victim said in a statement he had felt “terribly sad and alone” at the time of the abuse, fearing nobody would believe him.

“I was a child and didn’t fully comprehend what was happening to me,” he said. “How could someone who claimed to be a devout follower of God do such things? I feel I lost my youth to this man.” He said the court case had brought back all the turmoil.

The other victim said in his statement that his emotional state had suffered massively as a result of what Wheeler did. The boys were aged ten to 14 when Wheeler abused them.

The police investigat­ion took several years. Detective Inspector Elaine Westerman said afterwards: “This man was in a position of trust. He used his role as a church curate to gain access to vulnerable boys who he went on to abuse. I am extremely grateful to both of the victims for supporting the investigat­ion. We welcome the outcome and hope that they can find comfort in justice being served. I truly hope that this gives other victims the confidence to come forward to report sexual offences, no matter how long ago they may have happened.”

Wheeler, of Mount Raleigh Avenue, Bideford, must serve at least two thirds of his sentence in prison before his release on licence. He must sign the sex offenders’ register for life.

The acting Bishop of Exeter, the Right Reverend Jackie Searle, said: “My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and survivors of his abuse, their friends and families, and all who have suffered as a result of his actions.

“I hope the justice done today will bring some peace to all affected by this case, including the communitie­s where he lived and worked. It is deeply disturbing and shocking that vulnerable children were abused by a member of clergy who had a duty of care to protect them.”

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