Western Morning News

Diabetes fundraiser prepares for last effort


A MAN with type one diabetes is this weekend hoping to complete his journey, running from John O’Groats to Land’s End, having passed through Plymouth and crossed the Tamar Bridge this week.

Josh Hinton, from west London, was diagnosed with the lifelong condition at the age of 11 and has already raised more than £6,000 for Diabetes UK.

The 26-year-old started the run on April 1 and is due to finish at Land’s End tomorrow with 1,600km under his belt. As well as the distance, the run has entailed 18,200m of uphill running.

This week, Josh passed through Devon, with his route taking him from Wellington, in Somerset, to Plymouth via Okehampton and Tavistock.

Averaging 61km per day – around 1.4 marathons – Josh believes he may become the first person with type one diabetes to complete the challenge if he is able to reach the finishing line this weekend.

Josh said: “I’ve been fortunate enough to have reasonable control of the condition since diagnosis, but doing the run is still a challenge!

“I’ve been very lucky in that I’ve had a lot of help with planning and a group of friends who are taking turns to drive the camper van which we’re using as a base every night.

“Diabetes UK does a great job of empowering those with type one and type two diabetes to take control of their condition and I’m hoping that, apart from fundraisin­g (below), my efforts will inspire other people to push themselves,” he added.

Phaedra Perry, of Diabetes UK, said: “We’re absolutely blown away by Josh’s incredible challenge and every penny raised will make such a difference to the lives of people living with diabetes.

“We can’t thank Josh enough for what he’s doing for the charity and the diabetes community.”


 ?? ?? > Josh Hinton, who has type one diabetes, stopped briefly in Exeter this week as part of his run from John O’Groats to Land’s End, which he expects to complete tomorrow
> Josh Hinton, who has type one diabetes, stopped briefly in Exeter this week as part of his run from John O’Groats to Land’s End, which he expects to complete tomorrow

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