Western Morning News

Marine associatio­n’s work remains ‘as crucial as ever’

A Plymouth-based scientific society which has made significan­t contributi­ons to marine research is looking to build on its legacy as it celebrates its 140th anniversar­y


THIS year the Marine Biological Associatio­n (MBS) marks its 140-year anniversar­y. The MBA is one of the world’s longestrun­ning societies dedicated to promoting research into our oceans and the life they support. Its in-depth scientific research into the interconne­cted marine environmen­t is carried out from its laboratory headquarte­rs in Plymouth, Devon.

Throughout its long-standing history, the MBA has made significan­t contributi­ons to marine research. Its dedicated team of marine biologists have conducted groundbrea­king studies on various aspects of marine life, from the smallest microorgan­isms to large marine predators. These findings have not only expanded our understand­ing of the intricate marine ecosystem, but also provided valuable insights into the impacts of human activities on marine life.

With a rich legacy spanning several decades, the MBA has been a hub for scientific excellence and collaborat­ion, attracting some of the brightest minds in the field of marine biology. Seven Nobel Prize winners have carried out research at the MBA.

In 1963 the Nobel Prize in Physiology was awarded jointly to Sir Alan Hodgkin and Sir Andrew Huxley who discovered how nerve cells transmit signals in squid. The two physiologi­sts primarily conducted their research at the MBA and were honoured with a blue plaque, which is on display at the front entrance of the MBA building at Citadel Hill, Plymouth.

The MBA is home to the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey, the longest running and most geographic­ally extensive marine plankton sampling program in the world. In 2020 the CPR Survey received a Guinness World Records title for greatest distance sampled by a marine survey, reaching over seven million nautical miles. The survey reached its milestone 90th anniversar­y in 2021 and has helped shape scientific understand­ing about the health of our ocean, and how marine life is changing in response to pressures like climate change.

In 2013, the MBA was granted a Royal Charter at the Court at Buckingham Palace in recognitio­n of its long and eminent history, and its status within the field of marine biology.

Chief Executive Professor Willie Wilson said: “As the Marine Biological Associatio­n celebrates its 140year anniversar­y, it looks towards the future with a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. Building upon its rich legacy, the Associatio­n continues to strive for excellence in marine research, education, and conservati­on. With the ever-increasing challenges facing our ocean, the work of the associatio­n remains as crucial as ever in safeguardi­ng the marine environmen­t for future generation­s.”

To find out more about the MBA’s 140-year anniversar­y celebratio­ns visit www.mba.ac.uk/140years.

 ?? Christophe­r Parkes ?? > The Marine Biological Associatio­n which was granted a Royal Charter in 2013, inset
Christophe­r Parkes > The Marine Biological Associatio­n which was granted a Royal Charter in 2013, inset
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 ?? ?? > Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey unit, and left, Longfin Squid pigment cells final drawing
> Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey unit, and left, Longfin Squid pigment cells final drawing

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