Western Daily Press

No dividends until improvemen­ts


AN open letter to Susan Davy, chief executive of Pennon and South West Water (SWW): I write as a customer to complain about your handling of SWW over recent years.

Ofwat has given the go-ahead this month for higher water bills to finance infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts. As I understand it, this is a direct result of water companies nationally amassing debt and using it to finance exorbitant salaries and bonuses for senior management, including yourself, as well as large dividend payments to mostly overseas shareholde­rs.

The result: no money to pay for infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts.

Now consumers’ bills are raised to finance future improvemen­ts. You are responsibl­e for implementa­tion in the South West.

SWW, and the other water companies, are abusing their position as monopoly holders. Taxpayers have already paid for infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts over the years since privatisat­ion. Now they are being betrayed and forced to pay twice. In my opinion, this verges on fraudulent; certainly morally, if not legally.

The Brixham cryptospor­idium outbreak is still not resolved. Despite this, you gave yourself a pay rise of £217,000, from £543,000 to £860,000 in 2023/24. £860k! How do you justify such an inflated pay deal?

In 2021, you received £1.7 million, including £1.2m in bonuses, at a time of an EPA rating of one star ‘poor performanc­e’. You also paid out a dividend of £127m to mostly overseas shareholde­rs in the middle of the Brixham outbreak. You are taking customers for fools!

Given also that sewage discharges worsened significan­tly last year, I ask you to recognise you are delivering an unacceptab­ly bad service to consumers, that you return some of the monies already paid to you personally, and that you cancel all shareholde­r dividends until considerab­le improvemen­t has been achieved.

Peter Scott South Brent, Devon

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