Western Daily Press

Insults have no place in proper debate


I HAD to laugh at Paul Mercer’s recent letter, not at him, I hasten to say, but with him. I would far rather read a letter a day from Mr Mercer, along with those from Philip Milton, Alan Jeffery, Mike Butterfiel­d and Edward Kynaston daily than read one a year from the likes of Bruce Webb and some of his acolytes, whose boring letters appear in the letters pages so regularly.

Mr Webb’s condescend­ing arrogant tosh has no equal on these pages. He may think he is being clever with his insulting letters, but I feel he is revealing is inner child. So, carry on, Mr Mercer, don’t let him get away with it!

On now to what I was actually going to write about. James

Cleverly has already marked his ground, saying that he is standing to be leader of the Tory Party and, according to a political commentato­r I normally hold in high regard,

Kemi Badenoch, Priti Patel, Tom Tugendhat, Robert Jenrick and

Suella Braverman are all going to throw their hats into the ring. All clearly showing us they have learnt nothing from the spanking they received in the General Election. If I were a Tory, I would write on the ballot paper ‘None of the Above’!

Onward and downward, actually, I have just read the list of the 50 top ‘talent’ wage earners at the

BBC. Quite apart from the fact I’ve not heard of 18 of them, and I feel certain that I’m not alone in that, their wages range from Gary Lineker at £1,354,999 down to Gary Davies at £204,999. Is it any wonder that the BBC is struggling and over half a million more people have stopped paying their Licence Fee?

I rarely switched on the BBC in the past, only watching A Question of Sport, and that stopped when

Sue Barker was sacked. Surely now is the time to defund this strange organisati­on from the imposed tax of the Licence Fee?

Stuart Eels Chippenham, Wiltshire

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