Western Daily Press

Palatine backs Bristol edge computing firm


A FAST-growing Bristol edge computing provider has secured major investment from Manchester-based mid-market private equity investor Palatine.

StorMagic, which is based at Aztec West, will use the cash injection to accelerate its growth.

The transactio­n – the details of which have not been disclosed – was the first through Palatine’s new Growth Credit Fund.

The fund was establishe­d to support UK cyber, tech, AI and advanced manufactur­ing firms experienci­ng strong year-on-year revenue growth. The deal follows the fund’s final close in May. Palatine’s head of growth credit, Will Chappel, said “We are thrilled to have reached the successful final close of the Growth Credit Fund and to now be supporting those UK regions which have been historical­ly underserve­d in this asset class.

“StorMagic is a fantastic business with a meaningful USP and an impressive internatio­nal client base.

“Having followed the business’ growth closely for some time, we are excited to welcome a best-inclass edge computing provider to the fund at a time when innovative, secure and fast connectivi­ty is becoming a business-critical factor for many organisati­ons.”

StorMagic was founded in 2006 and helps organisati­ons store, protect, and manage data. The business has thousands of clients around the world and offices in the US and Canada.

Dan Beer, chief executive of StorMagic, said: “StorMagic is thrilled to have Palatine’s support as the company recently entered a new market segment with the introducti­on of [full-stack software service] SvHCI.”

 ?? Mark Waugh ?? From left, Gary Tipper, managing partner, Palatine; Will Chappel, partner Palatine Growth Credit; Neil Pitcher, chair, Palatine Growth Credit
Mark Waugh From left, Gary Tipper, managing partner, Palatine; Will Chappel, partner Palatine Growth Credit; Neil Pitcher, chair, Palatine Growth Credit

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