Western Daily Press

Double joy as uni graduate proposes

- LAUREN BEAVIS wdp@reachplc.com

ASTUDENT proposed to his girlfriend in cap and gown – at his graduation ceremony. Joe Walters, 23, popped the question as he graduated from Bath Spa University with a degree in Sociology.

He got down on one knee to girlfriend of six years, Emily Hunt, 23, on Wednesday.

In front of friends and family at Bath Spa University’s ‘after graduation’ party, ‘Gradstock’ at the Bath Recreation ground, Emily said yes.

Joe said: “I was just so happy to finally ask Emily to marry me, it was so special.

“It was my graduation day, but I wanted to share that big moment with starting our next chapter together as a couple, so it felt like the perfect moment to propose.

“I couldn’t have got through university without Emily at my side, so I wanted to make the day a double celebratio­n.”

Emily, originally from Uckfield near Brighton, graduated from Bath Spa University with a degree in dance a year ago – and said the proposal was a “lovely surprise”.

She said: “We have been together for almost six years, and he always said he would propose at graduation, but I presumed he meant mine.

“So when nothing happened last year, I just put it out of my mind.

“I had no idea he would pop the question at his own graduation, but it was such a lovely surprise.

“We were surrounded by our uni friends and close family, so it was even more special.

“Some of them even knew he was going to ask me, and I can’t believe they managed to keep it a secret!”

Joe, originally from Peacehaven near Brighton, explained how he was “really excited” about the whole day.

Joe, who manages a coffee shop, added: “I was still dressed in my cap and gown as we had come straight from the graduation ceremony where I picked up my degree, but as the time started to get closer, I began to feel really nervous as I realised how many people were around.”

Joe proposed with his great-grandmothe­r’s ring, which he collected from his mum on a recent holiday with Emily to Spain.

Emily says having a family connection to the ring makes it even more sentimenta­l and important, adding: “We are so close to our families, and everyone is so happy for us.

Having Joe’s great grandma’s ring is just beautiful.”

The engagement proposal was filmed by friends and family, and Emily uploaded the moment to TikTok which has already been viewed by over a quarter of a million people, with tens of thousands of people liking and commenting to congratula­te the happy couple.

Emily, who works as a dance teacher teaching small children, said: “The reaction on social media has been incredible, we have had well wishes from strangers all over the world, I think people like a happy love story, and we are so grateful to share ours with everyone.”

The couple, who met at college near Brighton six years ago, chose Bath Spa University because they wanted to stay and study together and it had courses they both wanted to apply for. They have now both decided to stay living and working in Bath as they love the city so much.

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 ?? Niklas Aarre/Bath Spa University/SWNS ?? The moment Bath Spa University graduate Joe Walters proposes to his girlfriend of six years, Emily Hunt, at Bath Spa University’s ‘after graduation’ party, ‘Gradstock’ at the Bath Recreation ground
Niklas Aarre/Bath Spa University/SWNS The moment Bath Spa University graduate Joe Walters proposes to his girlfriend of six years, Emily Hunt, at Bath Spa University’s ‘after graduation’ party, ‘Gradstock’ at the Bath Recreation ground

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