Western Daily Press

Rocketing rate of pubs forced into calling time

- HENRY SAKER-CLARK wdp@reachplc.com

THE number of pubs disappeari­ng from communitie­s across England and Wales jumped a third over the first months of 2024 amid pressure on punters’ budgets, according to new figures.

Official Government statistics have revealed that 239 pubs were demolished or converted for other uses over the three months to March 31.

It means around 80 pubs shut each month, representi­ng a 56% increase on the closure of 51 pubs a month over the first quarter of 2023.

Pub sector bosses have said the data reflects the impact of high energy and food costs, tighter consumer spending and a significan­t tax burden on hospitalit­y businesses.

The data, which was compiled by commercial real estate specialist­s at Altus Group, showed that the overall number of pubs in England and Wales, including those vacant and being offered to let, fell to 39,162 at the end of March.

It compared with 39,401 pubs at the end of 2023.

The North West region of England lost 35 pubs, the most of any region, during the first quarter of 2024.

A growing number of pubs have vanished from communitie­s they once served after being demolished or converted for uses such as homes, offices and nurseries.

Over the past year, a total of 472 pubs across England and Wales left communitie­s for good.

On Friday, pub and brewery group bosses called for the main political parties to immediatel­y cut beer duty and demanded business rates reform ahead of the July 4 General Election.

The Conservati­ves, Labour and Liberal Democrats have all pledged to shake up business rates in order to reduce the burden on high street shops, pubs and restaurant­s.

Alex Probyn, president of property tax at Altus Group, said: “The fundamenta­l issue for business is not necessaril­y the system but how much tax it actually generates.

“It is a tax that has risen 49% during the last 14 years with business, across all sectors, now paying £9.48 billion a year more than in 2010.

“Whilst the pledges are welcome to drive down bills permanentl­y for the high street, business had hoped for more detail and a timeframe in achieving this.”

Emma McClarkin, chief executive of the British Beer and Pub Associatio­n (BBPA), said: “The pub closure figures for the first quarter of this year are a reflection of the continuing high costs of doing business, especially with factors like high energy costs and food and drink inflation remaining higher than the topline inflation rate.

“Trading conditions have also not been helped with the varied weather than we have experience­d, and in addition, with £1 out of every £3 being spent in pubs going directly to the taxman, the tax burden with which the beer and pub sector must grapple is another cost component which squeezes margin.

“Last week saw the publicatio­n of the various party manifestos with the parties making different pledges to reform business rates, which combine with previous promises to recognise the importance of the sector for communitie­s and the wider economy.

“It is for this reason why it will be essential that the next Government puts in place a fiscal and regulatory framework that makes sure that the sector does not survive, but thrives.”

Publicans across Britain will be hoping that England and Scotland enjoy prolonged runs in the Euro 2024 football tournament in Germany so that fans keep flocking to venues to enjoy the atmosphere of watching the games with a pint in a pub rather than at home.

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