Western Daily Press

Driver jailed for killing cyclist

- LAURA ELVIN wdp@reachplc.com

ADRIVER has been jailed for killing a cyclist after he drove through a red light while inhaling laughing gas.

Harry Lock, 24, hit and fatally injured mother-of-three Maria Perez-Gonzalez, 53, while she was crossing the road.

Her devastated family has chosen to release video footage of his BMW hitting her bike in a bid to deter dangerous drivers.

Lock left a pub in Exeter, Devon, and was heading home to Plymouth when he stopped his BMW 4 Series to retrieve cannisters of nitrous oxide from the boot.

He was inhaling the gas as he drove through a red light and hit Miss Perez-Gonzalez while she crossed the road on her bike, the judge was told.

The healthcare assistant from Exeter, died in hospital from her injuries two days later.

He was sentenced to three years and four months at Exeter Crown Court.

Lock, from Plymouth, admitted causing death by dangerous driving. He will be disqualifi­ed from driving for two years on his release.

Lock initially told police under interview the traffic light had been green before he hit Maria in Western Way, Exeter, on August 7, 2021.

But investigat­ors proved otherwise by analysing pixels of the image of the lights, which were obscured by trees.

Officers were then able to determine sequence timing that showed Miss Perez-Gonzalez had been correctly crossing on a green light.

The traffic light Lock missed had been red for nearly seven seconds, the police said.

Miss Perez-Gonzalez’s three sons have paid tribute to her.

They said in a statement: “Maria Perez-Gonzalez was a loving, caring mum to Edgar, Chris and Jorge who desperatel­y miss her.

“She was an incredible person who accomplish­ed amazing things in life.”

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