Western Daily Press

Missing Jack’s family in formal police complaint

- STAFF REPORTER wdp@reachplc.com

THE family of missing student Jack O’Sullivan have made a formal complaint about a West police force’s attempts to find him.

Jack, 23, was last seen 100 days ago in the Hotwells area of Bristol as he walked home from a night out.

The last confirmed sighting of Jack was at 3.13am on Saturday March 2 as he walked onto a grass area at the junction of Brunel Lock Way and

Brunel Way.

Police say they have spoken to hundreds of cabbies in the area and reviewed thousands of hours of CCTV but Jack has still not been found.

His family say they have “lost all faith’’ in Avon and Somerset Police’s investigat­ion.

They have now put in a formal complaint about their experience, the BBC reports.

They say that errors were made in early searches and crucial CCTV footage was initially missed.

His mother Catherine said she found one sighting on CCTV herself after she was allowed to view some of the material.

She told the BBC: “To have footage of my son in their possession the day after he was missing and for someone not to see that is just ludicrous.’’

Data shows that his phone was still in use hours after he was last seen on CCTV.

His brother Ben told the BBC: “We’ve been told for weeks and weeks that there is the possibilit­y of the National Crime Agency helping and providing their resources, but despite asking... there still has been no progress.’’

An Avon and Somerset Police

spokespers­on said: “This investigat­ion has included reviewing and rereviewin­g more than 100 hours of CCTV footage, carrying out expertled searches by land and water involving multiple teams, including the dog unit, drone unit and specialist dive team, proactivel­y seeking and acting on advice from national policing specialist­s, and issuing multiple appeals to the public and media for informatio­n.

“Sadly, despite these efforts we’ve been unable to find Jack to date.

“We fully recognise the distress and anguish this has had on Jack’s family and our thoughts remain very much with them,” they added.

“We’re determined to do all that we possibly can to find the answers they so desperatel­y need.”

 ?? ?? > Missing student Jack O’Sullivan
> Missing student Jack O’Sullivan

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