Western Daily Press

Mum struggling to walk and talk after ‘spiking’

- EMMA DUNN wdp@reachplc.com was

AWOMAN may have been left with a brain injury after a suspected spiking incident – and now struggles to walk and talk.

Simone White, 43, was out with friends at a bottomless brunch in Bristol when she started to feel “very funny”.

The mother-of-three collapsed and was taken to A&E suffering with seizures.

She was discharged and told the side-effects would “wear off” but Simone has been left with stuttered speech and struggling to walk.

Following a CT scan, doctors believe Simone suffered a functional neurologic­al disorder (FND).

She is awaiting the results of an MRI to confirm her diagnosis.

Simone, a self-employed cleaner, from Bradley Stoke, South Gloucester­shire, said: “From my perspectiv­e this has been life-altering.

“Your body is your body and no one has the right to decide what to do with it.

“I don’t want anyone to go through what I have gone through.

“There are really long term damaging effects to being spiked.

“I was so complacent. Who on earth would want to spike a 43-yearold? There needs to be more awareness of the potential.”

Simone realised something was “very wrong” when she went out for fresh air on May 4.

After trying to find her eldest son, 18, who was in town, Simone collapsed on the street.

Strangers were able to call her parents and partner George Milis, 53, and they took her to A&E.

Simone said: “I was very agitated. I had no control of my body at all.

“I was having episodes of consciousn­ess and unconsciou­sness.

“When I was conscious I was gurning, throwing things, going rigid and scratching and clawing. They believe I was having seizures.”

Simone had blood taken and was given painkiller­s but was discharged the next morning.

But she continued to struggle with her speech and walking.

On May 8 she was taken for an MRI and a neurologis­t examined her.

Simone said: “The neurologis­t believes I have something called FND. It’s something usually triggered by a stressful event.”

Simone is now waiting for the results of her MRI to confirm the diagnosis and look at the next steps.

In the meantime, she said her walking has improved but she is still a little unsteady and her gait has slightly altered.

Simone is struggling with her speech and has spasms and ticks.

She said: “I loved a night out. I love drum and bass and festivals. Now it’s made me feel unsafe.”

Simone is unable to work and doctors have told her not to drive.

Avon and Somerset Police are investigat­ing the incident.

A spokespers­on said: “We’re investigat­ing an incident in which a woman required hospital treatment in a suspected spiking incident while visiting a bar in Bristol.

“She had been with a friend in Bristol city centre between 4pm and 6pm on Saturday 4 May before falling unwell and being taken to hospital. The incident was reported to police later that evening and enquiries are ongoing.

“Officers are keen to hear from anyone who has informatio­n that could help the investigat­ion, particular­ly anyone who was at Tonight Josephine in Baldwin Street between 4pm and 5pm on Saturday 4 May.

“If you have any informatio­n please call 101.”

Tonight Josephine approached for comment.

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 ?? Simone White/SWNS ?? > Simone White with her partner George Milis; below left, Simone four days after the suspected spiking incident
Simone White/SWNS > Simone White with her partner George Milis; below left, Simone four days after the suspected spiking incident

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