Western Daily Press

Unjammable quantum technology takes flight


THE UK has successful­ly completed commercial flight trials of an advanced quantumbas­ed navigation system that cannot be jammed or spoofed by hostile actors.

It is hoped the commercial world-first in new quantumbas­ed positionin­g, navigation and timing (PNT) systems could help flights from being hit by GPS jamming, which is a rare occurrence, while also providing accurate and resilient navigation that complement­s current satellite systems.

The Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) said that Infleqtion, a quantum technology firm, has been working with aerospace companies BAE Systems and QinetiQ on the project.

Trials were completed at MoD Boscombe Down in Wiltshire last week. These tests are the first time that this sort of ground-breaking technology has been trialled in the UK on an aircraft in flight, the DSIT said. They are also the first such flights worldwide that have been publicly acknowledg­ed, the DSTI added.

Science minister Andrew Griffith, who was aboard the final test flight on Thursday, said: “From passenger flights to shipping, we all depend on navigation systems that are accurate, safe and secure.

“The scientific research we are supporting here on quantum technology could well provide the resilience to protect our interests.

“The fact that this technology has flown for the first time in British skies is further proof of the UK as one of the world leaders on quantum.”

A compact Tiqker optical atomic clock and a tightly confined ultra-cold-atom-based quantum system were among the technologi­es that were demonstrat­ed in a series of test flights.

It is hoped the technology may form part of a quantum inertial navigation system (Q-INS), which has the potential to revolution­ise PNT. It could offer a system with exceptiona­l accuracy and resilience, independen­t of traditiona­l satellite navigation using GPS.

The project is backed by nearly £8 million from the Government.

This funding, with the £2.5 billion National Quantum

Strategy and the National Quantum Technologi­es Programme, aims to improve the UK’s position as a leading quantum-enabled economy.

Precision clocks are key to modern PNT technology, which helps with location, navigation and keeping track of time.

The test is part of a project funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) to try to create quantum sensors to address the UK’s heavy reliance on systems such as GPS for location, navigation and timing data.

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