Western Daily Press

House raiders stole from people while they slept

- STAFF REPORTER wdp@reachplc.com

THREE burglars who ransacked people’s homes as they slept – or in one case pretended to be asleep – have been jailed for a total of more than 13 years.

Following an extensive investigat­ion by the Swindon Burglary Team, the three men pleaded guilty to six counts of burglary and were sentenced at Swindon Crown Court last week.

Blerim Rodogoshi, 41, of Summerhill Parade, Drumcondra, was jailed for 63 months; Klodian Ruci, 32, of no fixed address, Fulham, was jailed for 45 months; and Hazret Zmakaj, 25, of Wayfarer Road, Northolt, London, was jailed for 54 months

In July 2023, the trio broke into two homes in Swindon, one in Cricklade, plus homes in Pitstone, Crawley and Great Missenden, carrying out searches through victim’s personal belongings and making off with sentimenta­l items.

During one incident, a woman was woken in the middle of the night by noises in her home. When she got up to investigat­e she found a window open in a bedroom, a cupboard had been searched and items missing.

In another incident, the victim pretended to be asleep after waking and realising somebody was inside her home.

She described the fear she felt in a victim personal statement supplied to the court:

“The burglary was an extremely frightenin­g experience as I feigned sleep whilst the intruders came up to my bed and searched the bedside tables either side of the bed.

“I have been left with considerab­le anxiety when trying to sleep.

“If I wake in the night thinking I have heard a noise my heart starts hammering again and it takes some time before I manage to sleep again.”

Following the incidents, extensive enquiries were carried out by the Swindon Burglary Team which identified the three defendants and the full extent of their offending.

Det Insp Sarah Champion said: “The actions of these three men have had a significan­t impact on the victims – to be woken in the middle of the night by intruders is one of the most terrifying experience­s you can endure, especially when you live alone. I would like to praise the victims who have helped us put these three individual­s before the courts for their atrocious offending.

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 ?? ?? Burglars, from top, Blerim Rodogoshi, Hazret Zmakaj and Klodian Ruci have all been jailed
Burglars, from top, Blerim Rodogoshi, Hazret Zmakaj and Klodian Ruci have all been jailed

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