Western Daily Press (Saturday)

More than 100,000 have now fled Rafah, says UN


HEAVY fighting between Israeli troops and Palestinia­n militants on the outskirts of the southern Gaza city of Rafah has left crucial nearby aid crossings inaccessib­le and caused more than 100,000 people to flee north, a United Nations official said on Friday.

Israel’s plans for a full-scale invasion of Rafah appear to be on hold for now, with the US deeply opposed and stepping up pressure by threatenin­g to withhold arms. But even the more limited incursion launched earlier this week threatens to worsen Gaza’s humanitari­an catastroph­e.

Heavy fighting was also under way in northern Gaza, where Hamas appeared to have once again regrouped in an area where Israel has already launched punishing assaults.

About 110,000 people have fled Rafah and food and fuel supplies in the area are critically low, a UN official has said. All crossings into southern Gaza remain closed, cutting off supplies and preventing medical evacuation­s and the movement of humanitari­an staff, said Georgios Petropoulo­s, an official for the UN’s Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitari­an Affairs working in Rafah. Some 1.3 million Palestinia­ns –more than half Gaza’s population – had sought refuge in Rafah. The World Food Programme will run out of food for distributi­on in southern Gaza by Saturday unless more aid arrives, Mr Petropoulo­s said.

“We simply have no tents, we have no blankets, no bedding, none of the items that you would expect a population on the move to be able to get from the humanitari­an system,” he said. UN officials warn that the lack of fuel is underminin­g medical facilities, water supplies and sewage systems across Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday that a US threat to withhold some weapons would not deter Israel from expanding its offensive in Gaza. A limited

Israeli operation earlier this week captured the Gaza side of Rafah’s border crossing with Egypt, throwing humanitari­an operations into crisis.

Israel says the nearby Kerem Shalom crossing – Gaza’s main cargo terminal – is open on its side, but the UN says it remains inaccessib­le on the Gaza side due to ongoing fighting. Israeli troops are battling Palestinia­n militants in eastern Rafah, not far from the crossings. An Associated Press reporter in the city heard heavy artillery and gunfire throughout the night into Friday. The military said in a statement that it had located several tunnels and eliminated militants “during close-quarters combat and with an aerial strike”.

Hamas’s military wing said it carried out a complex attack in which it struck a house where Israeli troops had taken up position, an armoured personnel carrier and soldiers operating on foot. There was no comment from the Israeli military – it is not possible to independen­tly confirm battlefiel­d accounts from either side.

Hamas also said it launched a number of mortar rounds at the Kerem Shalom crossing, close to where Israeli troops are operating. The military said it intercepte­d two launches. The crossing was initially closed after a Hamas rocket attack last weekend that killed four Israeli soldiers.

Israel says Rafah is the last Hamas stronghold in Gaza and key to its goal of dismantlin­g the group’s military and governing capabiliti­es and returning scores of hostages captured in Hamas’s October 7 attack that triggered the war. But Hamas has repeatedly regrouped, even in the hardest-hit parts of Gaza.

The north remains largely isolated by Israeli troops, and the UN says the estimated 300,000 people there are experienci­ng “full-blown famine”.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to proceed with the offensive with or without US arms, saying “we will fight with our fingernail­s” if needed in a defiant statement late on Thursday.

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