Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Snooker star is right on cue to help studios

- EUGENE BYRNE wdp@reachplc.com uk/p/jss crowdfunde­r.co.

SNOOKER legend and DJ Steve Davis has backed a campaign to save a cherished Bristol studios.

As home to all manner of creative people, Jamaica Street Studios, as it is these days, dates back to the 1990s.

It has played a key role in the Stokes Croft ‘renaissanc­e’, which has seen a run-down part of the city become a cultural destinatio­n.

The building itself, though, is every bit as interestin­g as 66-year-old former snooker player Steve ‘Interestin­g’ Davis, who is one of the supporters of Jamaica Street Studios.

In his current reincarnat­ion as musician and DJ, the six-time world champion took part in a fundraiser for the studios.

The artists have been there since the 1990s and now JSS, a community interest company, has the opportunit­y to buy the building as a permanent home for creatives.

A crowdfundi­ng appeal was launched earlier this month, with the aim of raising £85,000 within the year. So far nearly £25,000 has been raised.

Donating £1,000 will get you a two-hour snooker tutorial with the six-time world champion.

In a video promoting the campaign Steve, who now lives in Bristol, talks about how sad it would be to lose this piece of the city. He said: “I think I’ve started to realise now that I’ve moved to Bristol how much I love this area. When places close down it’s such a sad thing to happen, especially places like this. So I’m here to support and help.”

The building is said to date back to 1905, though research suggests it may be slightly older, dating from maybe the 1890s.

There are plenty of old buildings in Bristol that have had a wide range of occupants over the years. Many former industrial structures have become nightclubs, warehouses, shops and more.

But there are few that can boast of the diversity of 37-39 Jamaica Street, which has been home to carriagepa­inters, the Royal Navy, the Womad music festival and, now, artists.

By the standards of the time, it was a very utilitaria­n, no-frills constructi­on, but it has hidden depths. It was the first building of its kind in Bristol using cast iron framing, much of it held together by iron strainers from iron columns running up through the middle. It was built as a workshop for carriage makers Skinner Brothers. Another two floors were added in the early 20th century.

From some years before the First World War it was the HQ of the Bristol Division of the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. It was from here that men mustered for war in 1914. The building went through numerous other uses later: a pensions office, a medical examinatio­n centre, a plumbing and heating supplier. It was also, from 1983 to 1991, home to Venue, Bristol’s listings magazine.

For more, and details of the crowdfunde­r, see

 ?? George Wood/Getty Images ?? > Steve Davis in his latest incarnatio­n as a DJ; inset, Jamaica Street Studios
George Wood/Getty Images > Steve Davis in his latest incarnatio­n as a DJ; inset, Jamaica Street Studios

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