West Lothian Courier

Lionessesh­it fivepast‘Vale toclimbup tableto2nd

- Angus McGregor

LIVINGSTON WOMEN ......................... 5 ROSSVALE WOMEN ............................. 2

Livingston­Women moved up toseco n d place in the SWPL 2 with a 5-2 victory over Rossvale at the Home of the Set Fare Arena.

Goals from Jen Dodds, Rachel Walkingsha­w, Kaitlyn Canavan and Mya Goodman combined with an own goal to earn Livingston the three points.

Both sides had chances early on to take the lead, with Lauren Evans squanderin­g aoneon oneopportu­nity, whilst Summer Laird was forced to make a heroic clearance at the other endof the park.

In bizarre circumstan­ces, the game saw a quick succession of own goals within a 10minute period.

Chloe Kean was unfortunat­e to head into her own net before Rachel Walkingsha­w’s corner was headed in by a Rossvale defender to level things up.

Rossvale regained the lead through some nice play as Shanks fired in off of the crossbar.

Again, the lead was short lived as Livingston levelled thingsbefo­re half time.

Ahandball in the box saw Jen Dodds step up andemphati­cally fire home to make it 2-2before the break.

Livingston stepped things up in the second half, taking the lead for the first time in the 50th minute.

RachelWalk­ingshaw’s shot from range was too hot to handle for the Rossvale keeperand slipped by her to give Livi the lead.

Lauren Evansagain had a chance to geton the scoresheet, butmanaged to miss the target following her capitalisi­ng on adefensive error.

Livi got their two goal advantage soon after, with Kaitlyn Canavan poking home following a corner kick to add more security.

Mya Goodman finished thingsoff with an excellente­ffort, with the midfielder calmly volleying in from range to seal the three pointsands­end Livingston to third place.

Livingston travel to Kilmarnock next in league action on Sunday, kick-off 2pm at Rugby Park, as they look to honein on SWPL2 leaders Hamilton Accies.

The AcciesWome­n hold a three-point lead at the top of the table with four winsand a draw from their opening five games of the campaign.

 ?? ?? Spot on
Jen Dodds netted a penalty
Spot on Jen Dodds netted a penalty

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