West Lothian Courier

Roseaiming forfivewin­s onbounce


will be a really tough game.

“Butconfide­nce is high with the boys just now, so we’ll be looking to goand make it five in five.”

While pleased with overall performanc­es, Herd (pictured, below) reckons Rose have dropped points.

While Herd was also unhappy with a 4-3 South ChallengeC­up first round defeat against Lowland League rivals Cumbernaul­d Colts last month, it did give his players a much-needed break.

He said:“We’ve been good this season,butwe’re kindof kicking ourselves at the points we’ve dropped.

“We dropped points at the start of the season against Berwick Rangers, we got beat 1-0and felt we should have come away from there with at least a point,andwe played Hearts three or four games into the season, we were 2-0 up at half-time and ended up getting beat 4-3.

“We feel that we should be sitting on more points, butit has been pleasing how the boys have reacted.

“We had a wee bit of atough start, but to win four games on the bounce has been excellent.

“We had a wee week off there because we were outof the South ChallengeC­up, so we’ve been able to geta few legs rested and Civil is a great game to look forward to.

“We were disappoint­ed not to be involved in the South ChallengeC­up, because it’s a big trophy, but Cumbernaul­d beat usin the last round.

“It was a good time for a break, though, because there were guys starting to carry wee niggles and things like that.

“We were playing two games a week at the start of the season for five or six weeks, and it can take its toll. It was a well-earned rest, but we are looking forward to getting back to action on Saturday.”

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