West Lothian Courier

New activity programme


Craigsfarm Community Developmen­t is launching its new CommunityW­ellbeing and Resilience programme brochure, highlighti­ng the many activities that people can take part in and to also reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues within Craigshill and neighbouri­ng communitie­s.

The new scheme was launched to mark Mental Health Awareness Week, which runs from May 13 to 19.

The theme for this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is ‘Movement: Moving more for our mental health.’

The Craigsfarm wellbeing hub is based upon and inspired by the findings and recommenda­tions of the local community.

The hub provides evidence-based prevention treatment, therapy, self-help enhancemen­t and wellbeing support, and linkage to community services and supports for addressing the stressors of mental health.

A spokespers­on said: “We link service users to external service providers where needed, including access to debt support, employabil­ity, housing services, trauma support and more – thus ensuring an outcome-based service. Our services are also provided free to the local community in Craigshill, allowing those who typically cannot afford wellbeing services to receive the support they require.”

Craigsfarm along with EnvironMen­tal Health, Livingston United Parish Church and Andy’s Man Club have been working together since the programme started in 2022 to support community members requiring assistance, particular­ly following the challenges posed by Covid-19, the cost of living and the fuel crisis.

Together, Craigsfarm, Andy’s Man Club, Livingston United Parish Church and EnvironMen­tal Health are there to help those in West Lothian achieve their best possible mental health providing activities that involve individual­s in getting out, meeting new people, and learning new skills and strategies to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Craigsfarm and partners also released an updated mental wellbeing and resilience programme brochure.

The spokespers­on added: “We encourage everyone to continue practising mindful habits for mental health – and look after their mental health, by taking part in our activities. ● ● ● ●

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 ?? ?? Take care of yourself
There’s plenty of activities to help
Take care of yourself There’s plenty of activities to help

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