West Lothian Courier

Daviewants anothersho­t


Life is not about how many times you get put down, life is about how many times you jump up and how you react.

“It’s another punch, it’s one that has floored us, but as a group or an individual I am not going to let that stop me. I’ve got aspiration­s and I want to take this club back to the Premiershi­p. Hopefully I am allowed to do that, but, failing that, I hope the club get back to the Premiershi­p. For that to happen, there is a lot of work needed to be done behind the scenes.”

Asked if he had already had discussion­s about taking the team beyond the end of the season, Martindale added:“No there hasn’t because I think now is the time we can speak about that as a group. All talk of anything has been put on the back burner until we knew where we would be playing football next season, so there hasn’t been any talk of that.

“But I would imagine the coming weeks is the time to do that, now we know we will be playing in the Scottish Championsh­ip next season.

“I’ve been at the club 10 years. We’ve had two relegation­s in 10 years, we’ve been promoted twice, had two top six finishes, got to a cup final, missed out on the top six twice and stayed in the Premiershi­p for the longest time in the club’s history, six years, I think that shows how successful we have been as a group so I think it is important that, in times of adversity and negative periods, it’s important you’re pragmatic.

“This club has had a huge amount of success so I would hope to be allowed that chance but nothing surprises me.”

Livingston now face St Johnstone at home on Saturday.

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