Well Connected


Unlocking practical employment and skills building opportunit­ies across Liverpool not only provides sustainabl­e pathways for local communitie­s to recover from the tremors of Covid-19; they represent a critical strand of responsibl­e business and – most imp


For growth and regenerati­on group Torus, the North West’s largest provider of affordable homes, 2021/22 was a milestone financial year for jobs and job-ready training.

Having helped almost 500 people into work in 2020/21 (many of whom faced significan­t employment barriers), financial year-end results for 2021/22 confirm that the group’s charity, Torus Foundation, more than doubled its impacts, with over 1,000 people engaged making a successful step into the job market.

Numbers tell only part of the story. Torus Foundation is not an employment agency; it provides practical, tailored packages of support for Torus tenants and wider communitie­s – a personfocu­sed approach that responds to individual issues and aspiration­s, and covers a spectrum of initiative­s, including employment.

One is the Government’s Kickstart Scheme, which targets 16 to 24 year olds on Universal Credit. With young people facing severe work challenges through Covid-19, Torus Foundation signed up as a ‘gateway’ organisati­on in 2020 to help deliver the six-month (25 hours a week) placements, as well as free additional skills and CV-building support.

To date, the Foundation has enabled 64 Kickstart placements with organisati­ons including HMS, Torus and Raise. Out of the 25 placements that have ended, 22 have gone straight into employment and the other 3 are being supported into other positions.

And the breadth of the

Torus family means that a placement or apprentice­ship enabled by Torus Foundation can become the catalyst for a successful career in constructi­on at the group’s contractin­g entity, HMS.

One of the city’s largest commercial contractor­s (annual turnover: £100m), HMS has been delivering quality, community-focused activities across Liverpool for over a decade – and generated over £20m for reinvestme­nt into meaningful social projects. Torus’ operating model is a ‘virtuous circle’, anchored to

Liverpool and North West communitie­s, making impacts that extend beyond housing.

In addition to currently hosting 37 apprentice­ships, HMS has 24 Kickstart trainees: 10 are part of its ‘green space team’ – grounds maintenanc­e teams that revamp community green spaces and vulnerable tenants’ gardens; four are Business Administra­tors and 10 are General Constructi­on operatives learning multiple trade skills, including their Fork Lift Truck License.

Whether it’s Kickstart, Women in Constructi­on or another employment initiative, participan­ts generally improve massively as they work closely with Torus Foundation and group mentors – typical outcomes include new skills, significan­tly improved communicat­ion abilities and increased confidence.

Take Molly, for example.

Molly went from Women in Constructi­on into an Apprentice Electricia­n role with HMS.

“HMS and Torus Foundation gave me the confidence to try new things and explore my options in constructi­on,” she explains. “I would recommend the programme to anyone as it really has opened doors I didn’t know were available to me and put my career on a path I never expected, but love!”

Fellow Apprentice Mia adds,

“I have enjoyed learning new things and pushing myself to overcome new challenges. I have also really enjoyed meeting new people and feel privileged to be learning from profession­als and to be delivering an excellent service to the community we serve.”

For Torus, responsibl­e business means collaborat­ing closely with localities to create the homes, communitie­s and workforce of the future. On a human level, outcomes inspire on a daily basis. As one Torus Foundation mentor put it,

“Give a person with not much experience a chance, as it can have amazing outcomes for them and enable them to grow and develop so much.”

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