Wales On Sunday


- FFION LEWIS Reporter ffion.lewis@walesonlin­

HUNDREDS of jobs are to be lost at a wet-wipe factory in Wales as its owners announce the closure of the site. More than 200 people will lose their jobs at Kimberly-Clark manufactur­ers in Flint as owners say they cannot meet an upcoming UK plastics ban.

The UK Government, along with the devolved administra­tions in Wales and Scotland, have decided to prohibit the sale of baby wipes containing plastic from mid-2026.

In June the company said its North Wales site would not be able to be reconfigur­ed in time for this deadline and entered into consultati­on about potentiall­y closing the site.

Now the company has said this will go ahead and the factory will close next year.

Between 200 and 300 jobs are expected to be affected by the closure in a decision Unite union has described as “devastatin­g”.

A Kimberly-Clark spokespers­on said: “We have now concluded our consultati­on on the proposed closure of our manufactur­ing operations at Flint, North Wales. Regrettabl­y, both plants at the site will close in 2025.

“The consultati­on was initiated following the government’s decision to ban all baby wipes containing plastic in the UK from mid2026.

“While phasing out plastics from our baby wipes is a key part of K-C’s sustainabi­lity plans and we already sell plastic-free baby wipes in the UK, it isn’t possible to adapt our manufactur­ing processes in Flint in time, and it is therefore no longer viable to keep our consumer and B2B sites operationa­l.

“Decisions that involve our employees are the hardest to make and we know this is a challengin­g period for our team. Supporting them through this complex situation is our top priority.

“We will also continue to work closely with our customers and retailers on transition plans for baby wipes and profession­al tissue products in the UK. We thank union and employee representa­tives for a constructi­ve and respectful consultati­on process.”

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “The closure of the two Kimberly-Clark mills would be a catastroph­ic blow to the economy and local communitie­s of Flint and North Wales as a whole.

“The company has dropped this bombshell on its workforce. Our members are devastated and the effect on the local area will be catastroph­ic.

“Unite will fight to reverse this decision and calls upon the government to intervene to try and save these vital jobs. This decision, taken so rashly, cannot be accepted.”

It is expected that the majority of the jobs will be lost from manufactur­ing at the plant; however, several others will be lost in the supply chain.

It is understood the manufactur­ing of the wipes will be moved to Germany.

 ?? ?? The Kimberly-Clark site in Flint where more than 200 people are set to lose their jobs because of a UK plastics ban
The Kimberly-Clark site in Flint where more than 200 people are set to lose their jobs because of a UK plastics ban

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