Wales On Sunday


- ROBERT HARRIES Reporter robert.harries@walesonlin­

PEOPLE have rallied round for a Welsh family after a 42-year-old mum needed emergency brain surgery abroad after collapsing on holiday. Stephanie Williams, from Bishopston, Swansea, had been enjoying a family trip to Spain when she became seriously ill hours before she was due to fly back to Wales.

A week later, she remains in a critical condition in a Spanish hospital with members of her family by her side.

The nightmare began on Saturday, June 8, when Stephanie, her four children and her partner were getting ready to travel to the airport in order to return home from their trip to Alicante in the Costa Blanca area.

But at about 1am, to the horror of her family, Stephanie become unwell in her hotel room and had a seizure.

Her daughter Aimee said it was “unimaginab­le” that something like this could happen to such a young mother, whom she described as “the most selfless person in the whole world”.

Aimee made contact with family back home to arrange for £3,000 to be transferre­d so her mum could begin receiving treatment at a Spanish hospital near the hotel where the family were staying.

While travel insurance is now covering the cost of her treatment at a different hospital, the family had to fork out thousands of pounds initially as Stephanie endured numerous tests before undergoing urgent brain surgery on Monday, with costs climbing above the £10,000 mark.

Stephanie’s partner remains in Alicante with her, and her father and brothers have flown out to be by her side.

Despite the operation being a success, Stephanie remains in a “very critical condition in intensive care” and the family has no idea at this stage how long she will have to remain in hospital.

Because of that uncertaint­y, the cost of having her family close to her is rising by the day.

Aimee and Stephanie’s sister-in law Jade Wright have set up a Go Fund Me page in an attempt to raise money to help the family during a time of great hardship.

The page has so far raised more than £15,000 from people touched by Stephanie’s harrowing story.

Aimee, who has now returned to Wales, said on the fundraisin­g page: “Whilst she is being supported in Alicante by my dad, uncles and her partner, I just want to try and do something to help support my family whilst I’m back in Wales.

“My mum is only 42 and me and my brothers and sister need her to wake up and fight to get better so she can come home to us.

“My mum is the most selfless person in the whole world and has always put others before herself and now I’m asking for help for her when she needs it the most.

“She’s worked as a nurse herself, a midwife and then a bereavemen­t midwife supporting families.

“I want to raise as much money as I can to relieve the financial pressures on my family.”

After thousands of pounds were raised within hours of the page being set up, Aimee added: “We honestly can’t believe the generosity and support my mum has received. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

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 ?? ?? Stephanie Williams is seriously ill in a Spanish hospital after suffering a seizure while on holiday in Alicante. Below, with her daughter Aimee
Stephanie Williams is seriously ill in a Spanish hospital after suffering a seizure while on holiday in Alicante. Below, with her daughter Aimee

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