Wales On Sunday


- JONATHON HILL Reporter jonathon.hill@walesonlin­

AMECHANIC was unknowingl­y building the fastest wheelbarro­w in the world from his garage in Wales. Dylan Phillips, from Crymych, Pembrokesh­ire, began fitting an engine to the barrow and modifying it with a sled two years ago as a hobby.

But when his mates planted the seed in his mind that it could become the fastest wheelbarro­w in the world, it was an idea he couldn’t shake off.

Two years later and Dylan, 38, has claimed a spot in the Guinness World Records after the wheelbarro­w reached an average of 52.58mph and a high of 56.82mph.

The previous record, held by Kevin Nicks, was 44.6mph.

“It was just a bit of fun to start off with really,” he told us.

“I had a bit of an idea and built it and then after a bit of testing the question was asked by a couple of friends of mine whether there was a chance of a record.

“At that point all I’d done was put a scooter engine on the front and a little sled on the back. But I found out there was actually a land speed recorded for a wheelbarro­w, so I began evolving it and testing it and it emerged in my mind that there was a genuine chance.

“It’s so fast I have to wear full leathers while riding it, with a back protector, a helmet, gloves and boots.”

He’s been blown away by how popular the wheelbarro­w has become. At motoring events he visits around the UK, he says it’s one of the most popular vehicles on show despite being surrounded by sports cars and the like.

“People love it, they’re always coming up to me and chatting away about it,” said Dylan. “If I take it out to a show I do tend to get a lot of attention. I’ve built a few custom motorbikes before but this has got the most attention.

“I’m just a bit of an idiot who loves to do weird things with stuff I’ve collected basically.”

Dylan claimed the record at the Straightli­ners Speed Week in Elvington, Yorkshire, in May, and the record was confirmed by Guinness this week.

“It’s been strange,” Dylan added. “I’ve had a few people getting in touch and I’m going to be at the Prescott Bike Festival to do a bit of a show and tell which should be good.

“It has sparked some more ideas in my mind. I’m not completely sure what I’ll do next, but we’ll see where things take me.”

 ?? ?? Dylan Phillips with his record-breaking wheelbarro­w
Dylan Phillips with his record-breaking wheelbarro­w

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