Why tragic OJ’s death marks the end of an era


WHEN the news came through that the sporstman, actor, not-murderer and armed robber OJ Simpson had tragically passed away at the age of (subs fil this in), I wept.

Bitter tears of grief, anguish and disdain poured from my eyes like a tidal wave of agony, anguish and torment as I struggled to come to terms with my loss.

And I didn’t just weep once. I done it 4 times. Once for each of all the different OJ Simpsons whom had tragically passed away at the age of (same number here). For there was many numerous facets to this floored icon of our age.

I tearfully lamented for OJ Simpson the sportsman, the (subs fill in i think he done amercian football or basball or the one on skates id’ look it up on wikypedia but missis is usin wyfi for married at first site on mor4 an theres no spare badwinth).

I bawled for OJ Simpson the actor, who lit up the screen in (blah blah i think it was him in towerin infreno and he was defninitly in them police things with the bloke with white hair him out of airplane not the plane driver off mision imposible i think he was the dr or air trafic contorller denis nealson was it).

I lachrymose­ly puled for OJ Simpson the not-murderer, who stood trial all them years ago for stabbing his wife and that bloke, even though a jury of his pears decided he never done it but he probably did.

And when I’d finally dried my eyes after blubbing for all them three OJ Simpsons, I once more burst into endless tears of sadness, despair and (another wd for sad here) for OJ Simpson the armed robber, who nobly served his time behind bars for the crime of merely wanting back his treasure that had been so cruelly disdained from him.

For which of us can put their hand in his heart and swear we would not of done the same if you was faced with similar averse circumstan­ces?

Whom amongst us could honestly say that we wouldn’t of reacted exactly like OJ did if our sporting trophies was stolen and put on sale to one and all in a tawdry Las Vegas hotel bedroom?

He was only human. Of flesh and blood was he made. Born to make mistakes.

And Lord knows OJ payed for those mistakes. Put on trial time and time again like a common crinimal and sentenced to go to jail for (subs fill in number still no wyfi missis sas lizz is havin a right go at tori an jacks not stepin in to defend her).

Just imagine how he must of felt as he stood in the dock of the bay and heard those words intoned by the judge: “You are an habitual criminal who accepts arrest as an occupation­al hazard, and presumably accepts imprisonme­nt in the same casual manner. We therefore feel constraine­d to commit you to the maximum term allowed for these offences – you will go to prison for (subs fill in) years.”

Just think what must of been going through his mind as the cell door slammed woah thats 14 wods over inv enc. lloyd can you pay quikcly only i seen an air fryer on telly an its £80.

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