Vegan Food & Living


Welcome to Rachel Stone’s column. Each month she gives us the low-down on the latest news and campaigns from Viva!, one of the UK’s leading vegan charities


Viva! loves Valentine’s Day

The month of love is here... and if you’re looking for a gift for your vegan significan­t other, then look no further than our Viva! Shop. We have a selection of vegan goodies for foodies (think chocolate, sweets and novelty items) as well as gorgeous clothes for the activist in your life. Treat your partner to a decadent selection of luxurious treats or surprise your friends with gifts they’ll treasure.

All profits go to supporting Viva! in continuing our work to save animals.

50by25: Help us make vegan meals mainstream

Viva! has launched 50by25, a new campaign to encourage restaurant­s to make 50 per cent of their menus plant-based by the end of 2025.

The campaign has received support from household names Wagamama, Beyond Meat and Wicked Kitchen, with endorsemen­ts from plantbased chefs Derek Sarno and Alexis Gauthier. It will be expanding to consumers later this year, and we have exciting initiative­s to help you support your favourite restaurant­s in offering more vegan meals. Visit to find out more!

Vegan Camp Out is on

The weather may be grey and chilly right now, but we’re looking ahead to warmer, sunnier days and our annual voyage to Vegan Camp Out.

This year is super exciting because we’ll be celebratin­g 30 years of Viva! while on site. We have multiple speaking slots over the weekend, as well as a DJ set and other fun ways that we’ll be celebratin­g our 30th year with a bang! Keep your eyes peeled on our social channels for speaking slots and don’t forget to buy your Vegan Camp Out tickets from vegancampo­

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