Uxbridge Gazette

Tories are seeking to privatise the NHS


IT was the Second World War and the sacrifice of 40 million lives – friend and foe – that inspired some UK Lab/Lib voters in 1945 to hope Britain could live by beliefs that “all shall care for each, and each shall care for all”. So the NHS was establishe­d in 1948.

Many UK voters supported the NHS, not for ethical reasons, beyond their comprehens­ion, but for practical, family reasons, binding them together.

Only Conservati­ve voters, intending to bring back the injustice of the 1930s, condemned the NHS as wasting public money. When defeated, Conservati­ves pretended to support it, so when in power, they could privatise sections, making private profits for shareholde­rs’ clutching hands. Greed is Conservati­ves’ only motivation.

Mrs Thatcher is still their idol. She cancelled public money on milk for schoolchil­dren’s health, the biggest single possible investment in the next generation. She privatised what she could.

For 80 years, owners of media, commerce, advertisin­g and social media have spread Conservati­ve self-centrednes­s into children’s minds. And now the 14 million who voted for “what best suits me”, are disgusted with what they got, but too bigoted to blame themselves.

They will vote Labour, in anger, but without comprehend­ing the principles which inspired the lives of some of their grandparen­ts, so their self-obsession will revolt at Labour policies to serve all citizens.

Rishi Sunak urges us all to be “pragmatic”, which is exactly where Conservati­ves thought they were being smart – “looking after number one”. It is too late for them ever to learn.

CN Westerman Via email

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