TV Times

Capital GAMES

LORD ALAN SUGAR on the return of TV’S toughest job interview


As a new collection of sharply dressed candidates begin battling it out for a £250,000 business investment this week when BBC1’S The Apprentice returns for an 18th outing, Lord Alan Sugar is ready for action. ‘What keeps me coming back is that I love doing it. I’ve got plenty of other things in my life, I can assure you!’ says the revered entreprene­ur, 76, who has been at the centre of the competitio­n since its debut in 2005. ‘I have a contract to do Series 19, I don’t have a contract for Series 20 yet, but I’m pretty sure that we’ll do it.’

The first episode in the new 12-part run sees Lord Sugar send the 18 hopefuls to the Scottish Highlands on a mission to organise a corporate away day, with his trusty aides Baroness Karren Brady and Tim Campbell keeping a watchful eye on proceeding­s.

Future tasks will revolve around electric cars, vegan cheese and virtual escape rooms, reflecting changing markets, as well as the classic shopping channel assignment and discount buying test.

‘The quality of the candidates that we have attracted this year is superb,’ says Lord Sugar. ‘We’ve got a lot to work with.

‘First impression­s are important and I don’t blame the candidates for making bold statements at the beginning. But there’s no pulling the wool over my eyes. I’ve studied their CVS carefully and made notes, so I can go straight to their claims in the boardroom. I’ve been in business for nearly 60 years and I’ve literally done everything.’ Here, the competitor­s share their sales pitches…

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 ?? ?? Keeping tabs: Baroness Brady and Tim Campbell are back
Keeping tabs: Baroness Brady and Tim Campbell are back
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