TV Times


HELEN GEORGE on Trixie’s magical festive season


Newly-wed Trixie is looking forward to her first Christmas as a married woman. How are her and Matthew (Olly Rix) planning to spend the big day? It’s their first married Christmas, so it’s a special time, but it’s one of those awkward years when they’re probably trying to work out what they’re going to do. Matthew is a Chelsea boy, so does he want to spend Christmas in Poplar?!

Trixie’s bubbly osteopath brother Geoffrey (Coronation Street’s Christophe­r Harper), who viewers met at her wedding, turns up unexpected­ly for Christmas. How do Trixie and Matthew feel about that? Trixie doesn’t have much family, and she and Geoffrey settle back into that sibling relationsh­ip where they love each other dearly, but wind each other up! It’s lots of fun with Geoffrey – he’s great to have around.

But Geoffrey and Matthew are very different and they clash, with Matthew raising an eyebrow at Geoffrey’s flourishes! It’s a lovely juxtaposit­ion of characters.

We hear that Geoffrey helps to arrange a special surprise for Sister Monica Joan…

Yes, despite the frustratio­n that he may interfere with Matthew and Trixie’s plans, the community embraces him and his energy and exuberance!

Was it lovely working with Christophe­r again?

I know Chris from years ago, so it was really nice, and I think Geoffrey and Trixie complement each other well. There were lovely scenes in the wedding episode where they referred back to their childhood unhappines­s and how they learnt to use comedy to distort the truth.

Finally, does it still feel exciting that watching the festive instalment is a Christmas Day tradition for many people? It means so much to us. People expect it now, which is wonderful, but there’s also a pressure to perform and to keep it as good as ever. It’s always lovely when everybody sits down on Christmas Day and watches us and then chats about it. It’s a special thing.

 ?? ?? Christmas sparkle: Trixie, Jonty and Matthew trim the tree
Christmas sparkle: Trixie, Jonty and Matthew trim the tree
 ?? ?? Festive fun: Trixie with stepson Jonty
Festive fun: Trixie with stepson Jonty

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