TV Times

Operation Rovers!prepared

Jenny and Daisy set their hearts on buying the pub – but how far are they to go?


Having had quite the annus horribilis, Jenny and Daisy could do with something good to focus on as Christmas approaches. Their prayers are answered this week when they secure the funds to buy the Rovers. But have they really got the money via a bank loan, as they claim, or are the duo set to be on Santa’s naughty list?

Daisy is acutely aware that there’s £250,000 lying dormant in Stephen Reid’s bank account – money he stole from Underworld shortly before he went to the great knicker factory in the sky.

As Jenny and Carla fail to get Audrey to hand over Stephen’s journal – which they believe contains the passwords connected to Stephen’s bogus company – Daisy tells her former stepmum she mustn’t give up. She knows the money is, technicall­y, Carla’s, but insists Jen deserves a cut of it for everything Stephen put her through. And she pulls at Jenny’s heartstrin­gs by pointing out that the cash could be used to get her name back above the Rovers’ door.

Although Jenny’s torn, Daisy is determined to get hold of that all-important journal, and when the Platts later gather for a meal at the Bistro and she sees all their coats hanging up, her cogs start whirring. Swiping David’s house keys from his pocket, she lets herself into No.8 and franticall­y searches the place. Will she get her mitts on the metaphoric­al golden ticket? And how much luck will Jenny have when, favouring a more legitimate route of raising the cash, she asks Carla to help her out?

The following day, Jenny and Daisy tell Brian and Mary they’ve been to the bank and been granted a loan to buy the pub – which is rather odd, as they were turned down for a loan just a few weeks ago...

‘The Rovers will reopen on New Year’s Eve,’ teases Corrie boss Iain Macleod, ‘but somebody will do something that is at best naughty, at worst slightly criminal, to get their hands on the keys to the pub.’

Have the duo used Stephen’s stolen cash to fund their dream? And if so, how long until Carla inevitably finds out?


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 ?? ?? Desperate: Daisy searches the Platts’ house!
Desperate: Daisy searches the Platts’ house!

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