TV Times

Vets’ road trip!

SAMUEL WEST and PETER WRIGHT on teaming up to celebrate the work of James Herriot



Two of our favourite vet shows are coming together for a festive crossover in Channel 5’s All Creatures Great and Small: Yorkshire Vet Special.

The one-off sees the cast of the hit drama join the stars of the veterinary documentar­y to learn about their respective work and reveal the true stories behind the bestsellin­g books by real-life vet James Alfred

‘Alf’ Wight – under his pen name James Herriot – that inspired both series.

In an exclusive chat, All Creatures favourite Samuel West, 57, and The Yorkshire Vet’s Peter Wright, 67, tell us more…

Has it been good to meet each other?

PETER Yes, as Siegfried, Sam is brilliant and every inch Donald Sinclair [Peter’s former boss, who was the model for Siegfried].

I felt like a young vet again waiting to be ticked off, but Sam’s so nice, so that would never happen!

SAMUEL I love that people who knew Donald can tell me about him. Talking to Peter, I felt the confidence that Donald and Alf [who also acted as a mentor to Peter] gave to their assistants.

You speak to Clive Gray, a farmer whose family were Donald’s clients. What did you discover from him?

SAMUEL When Clive was born, he said that Donald put £10 into a bank account for him, and he remembers the bank statements growing up, which was delightful.

PETER Donald was eccentric and contradict­ory but generous. We also saw sheep on the farm and they’re prone to foot rot, so we trimmed their feet and Sam was a dab hand with the antibiotic spray. He impressed Clive!

How did you find driving an Austin Seven similar to the one Alf would have used?

PETER It was fun. I remember Alf saying the sunroof leaked on his, and through the floorboard­s, you could see the road!

SAMUEL It was harder to handle than Siegfried’s vintage Rover. I stalled several times!

What else should we look out for in the programme?

SAMUEL Peter and I visit a birdsof-prey centre, which was great as I’m an RSPB ambassador.

And Anna Madeley [who plays All Creatures’ Mrs Hall] is going with Peter for high tea at Bettys Cafe Tea Rooms in Harrogate – it’s brilliant there!

And Peter, did you enjoy getting a tour of the All Creatures set from Rachel Shenton and Nicholas Ralph, AKA Helen and James?

PETER It was a thrill. I went behind the scenes on the Christmas special on a sweltering day! The attention to detail impressed me. They even had a pewter mug for petty cash on the Skeldale House mantelpiec­e like Donald had. I also had a cameo as a 1940s gentleman on the bus in the earlier episode where James went to war. Blink and you’d miss me!


We’re not sure why this mash-up of the vet drama and the fabulous fly-on-thewall series hasn’t been attempted before, but we’re glad it has! It sees the stars of All Creatures hang out with their real-life counterpar­ts to pay homage to James Herriot (vet Alf Wight), whose books were the inspiratio­n for both shows. While Shona Searson and Peter Wright, Alf’s former apprentice, invite Anna Madeley (Mrs Hall) for tea, Peter lets Samuel West (Siegfried) shadow his work, and Rachel Shenton and Nicholas Ralph (Helen and James) return the favour by taking Peter on a tour of the All Creatures… set! ★★★★ CC

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Memory lane: Nicholas on set with Peter
 ?? ?? Peter and Shona meet All Creatures actors Rachel and Nicholas
Peter and Shona meet All Creatures actors Rachel and Nicholas

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