Trail (UK)


…before you even leave the house



check the weather forecast and take note of the wind speed and direction.


get your hands on a map;

you can do this on any map but it will be much easier if you opt for either on a large screen or on a paper map spread over the table so you can look across a large area.


work out an ideal elevation and aspect before you look at the map, based on the wind speed and direction. If, for example, a westerly wind will be blowing at gusts of 40 mph+ above 600m, you might want to look for an east-facing spot at around the 300m contour.


look across the map and take note of wide spaces between contour lines at your ideal elevation and aspect. Corries are ideal but you might also spot a flattening on the more sheltered lee side of a hill. It can be helpful to actually mark these on the map.


check for water sources, ideally a fast-flowing mountain stream. It should be an easy walk from where you will pitch your tent but also safe from flooding in case of a downpour.


take note of the ground cover, especially those faint little symbols that indicate ‘marsh’. Beware rocky ground and outcrops too – it can be possible to find a flat, dry, sheltered nook but be prepared for the possibilit­y that you won’t.


consider your overall route and a realistic pace. How far would you like to walk before pitching? What are your plans for the next day? Bear in mind that the extra load of your camping gear will affect your walking speed.

DON’T be too swayed by the view. A summit camp in fine conditions is a supreme experience but in howling wind and battering gusts it is dreadful, and will likely result in a horrible night’s sleep and, possibly, a ripped tent.


camp on a river island without making sure you can safely escape. Rivers in the mountains can come into spate in just a few hours, making what was an easy crossing, very hazardous.


pick just one. Keep a few potential spots in mind so that you have options if you set a slower or faster pace than expected.

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