Trail (UK)

Eastern Black Mountains



11 SO287276 Depart

Llanthony Priory and re-cross the road, returning to the footbridge to access the public footpath that rises through fields and into the steep-sided valley of Cwm Bwchel. Follow a wooded and steep trail alongside the stream, until the ground levels out above 480m, and a more gradual slope gains the ridge at Bal Bach.

12 SO273266 Turn right to follow a well-used path along the ridge towards the summit of Bal Mawr and along the shapely, heather covered ridge to the summit of Chwarel y Fan, an old quarry site. 1km beyond this summit, a cairned junction offers a northerly descent route to Capel-y-ffin.

13 SO250301 Descend

for 700m in distance and below the 550m contour, the rocky path descends very steeply, losing over 100m height, to fields below. Keep on this public footpath (also the Cambrian Way) passing an old monastery and turn right on to an access road and right again onto the valley road. Keep on this minor road for 1.5km, where a public footpath departs into fields on your left, to quickly cross a footbridge over Afon Honddu.

14 SO262308 Follow the

public footpath ascending north-east through fields, towards The Vision Farm. The path skirts around the buildings before making a short ascent uphill, following a zigzag trail to the ridgeline above. For about 20-25 mins, this climb is steep, but above the 550m contour the angle eases and a ‘shortcut’ to the ridge is available, following a shallow re-entrant/stream for 500m.

Emerging on to the ridge affords spacious views into England from the Wales/England border you are standing on. Continue generally north-east along this broad ridge, initially over the summit of Black Mountain South and along a clear path for 3km to reach the (not very obvious) summit of Black Mountain itself (703m).

15 SO255350 From the

highest point on this airy ridge, it’s a wonderful 2km walk along a well-engineered trail to the impressive viewpoint of Hay Bluff. From the trig point, extensive views north, east and west ensure the arrival to this summit is very rewarding. Heading south-west, descend along a clear path towards Gospel Pass below, where the route crosses this high road. Take note of fast traffic over the brow of this hill.

16 SO235351 Cross the road at Gospel Pass and use a well-trodden path that ascends steeply, south-west and then west, towards the final summit of Twmpa. For the best views, use the path that hugs close to the edge of the ridge, with steeper ground to your right. This ascent brings you directly up to the summit cairn. From here, descend south-west for 500m until the ground flattens.

17 SO220346 Turn

right, leaving the ridge on the public bridleway used in ascent on Day 1. The route descends via a grassy groove, zigzagging right and then left, below the 530m contour. From this corner, descend for 50m to cross a stream and head north-west for 500m to leave open ground onto a minor lane. Follow this lane, used in ascent also, for 1km to Maes-y-lade (outdoor centre). Return to Felindre via the public bridleway skirting beneath Hay Forest, as per ascent route.

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Llanthony Priory.

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