Trail (UK)

Corrour Bothy to Hutchinson hut




NN981958 From Corrour Bothy continue your journey across the Lairig Ghru, taking the south-east path across the foot bridge towards the slopes of Carn a Maim. Take a left due north and handrail the River Dee for about 1km, passing the large plaqued Clach nan Taillear (stone) then continue for 400m to the path rising right (north) up towards the slopes toward Ben Macdui.

NN982969 From the 8

path junction you have two options – either continue towards Allt Clach nan Taillear (Tailor’s Burn) and handrail a path at the side or head up right (east) to the wide col at 805m between Carn a Mhaim and Ben Macdui, then ascend south of the burn and north-east up a broad shoulder. Both options present boulder fields and rough ground. If you are super keen to tick off all the Munros in this central area, then the second option provides a linear return route to Carn a Mhaim by following the broad ridge south-east and back (1.5hrs) from the 805m col. Once near the top of Allt Clach nan

Taillear the ground is less steep and becomes grassy and gravely and this is the sign to head left (west) towards Britain’s second highest mountain and your fourth 4000ft mountain – Ben Macdui.

NN989989 The


summit has a significan­t cairn and trig point, and it is worth wandering around this large dome peak to gain the best views from the very heart of the Cairngorms. This next section needs careful navigation. Retrace your steps 150m back down the slope and past The Sappers’ Bothy ruin. Follow a path east that heads towards Coire Sputan Dearg. Once at the Coire rim descend north-east on the shoulder between the burn and Coire edge towards a small lochan. Continue down this path making a detour right to the 1053m spot-height which is in a col just west below Creagan a Choire Etchachan. It’s a 10-minute detour to bag this Munro top or carry on south-east on the path towards the bouldery summit of Derry Cairngorm.

NO017980 From 10

Derry’s Cairngorms summit, retrace your steps back towards the 1053m spot-height and take the path right (north-east) towards the col and Little Loch Etchachan which is a great place


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