Trail (UK)



How hard is climbing Ben Nevis?

No matter which route you take, Ben Nevis is tough. This is Britain’s highest peak by some distance and any ascent begins from near sea-level, making it a big physical undertakin­g. The Mountain/Pony Track is technicall­y the easiest route, but the fierce weather and serious navigation­al obstacles near the summit mean you must be an experience­d walker with good map and compass skills to attempt it. Other routes range from low-graded scrambles to technical rock-climbs and winter mountainee­ring epics, so plan your ascent carefully and choose a route that suits your level of experience and ability.

How long does it take?

That depends on your route and level of fitness. The Mountain Track is the busiest path on Ben Nevis and an average return trip to the summit takes 7-8 hours, with Three Peaks Challenge walkers often aiming to complete it in 5 hours or less. Longer and more technical routes such as the CMD Arête or Ledge Route take longer.

What’s the weather like?

Unpredicta­ble! Ben Nevis generates its own weather systems and the average annual temperatur­e on the summit sits just below freezing. It isn’t uncommon for the sun to be shining in Fort William and snow to be falling on the mountain’s summit. You must be prepared for wind, rain, low cloud, freezing temperatur­es and snow, even in summer – or if you’re lucky you may even get sunshine!

The Mountain Weather Informatio­n Service website ( is updated twice daily and the Met Office mountain forecast ( provides an hourly overview of the conditions you could face on the summit.

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