Trail (UK)

Llanfihang­el Hill & Burl Hill


1 SO231550 From centre of Gladestry fork left on the lane by the church and fork left again after 300m. Turn left after 500m onto the bridleway past Newhouse and fork right onto another track. Pass barn at Cwm and walk uphill through fields for 750m. Turn sharp right on a grass track between hedges, with gates, and turn left at the conifer plantation. Walk on track to gate at start of Open Access land.

2 SO214543 Breezy open hillsides lie ahead with several choices of paths and tracks, some used by gamekeeper­s. Stay south of Carreg Gwyn and drop into a steep valley with stream. Pick a route up to the top of the defile and turn left towards Llanfihang­el Hill, with trig pillar amidst a jigsaw of heather.

3 SO194553 Onward paths and tracks are numerous – head north-west for 250m to an old fence line and walk north, downhill, over the flanks of Caety Traylow. Continue for 600m to the north end of the access land, where Gilwern Brook swings below Burl Hill. Turn left – there’s supposed to be a bridleway – and make your way towards the edge of Cwm-y-bont, where the river slices through an extremely steep hidden gorge. Contour south along the rim and continue south-west (no path, though you can divert to a nearby track) with a small isolated cottage on the left. Continue to track and ford.

4 SO182560 Go through gate on right to leave access land. Walk ahead for 200m to a fingerpost by a bigger ford and a stand of conifers. Turn right on an establishe­d track. Walk uphill for 1.5km, pass Llanwentre Pool, and carry on for 400m, through a gate and over pasture, to a junction with other tracks. Turn right for 900m on a good track, past Pentre Tump on the right, and fork right on track towards the head of Cwm Gwalley.

5 SO199578 A gate signals a return to access land – bear right to cross the bumpy ridge of Burl Hill, with views back to Cwm-y-bont.

Walk over to the eastern side of the hill and descend to a gated lane. After 850m go right at junction, then after 150m take the track at Sunnybank Farm to descend to a footbridge/ford in the wooded valley.

SO212567 Keep on 6 the track past Gwaithla and join the quiet lane back into Gladestry.

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 ?? ?? Looking west from the slopes of Caety Traylow, with Gwaunceste Hill in the far distance.
Looking west from the slopes of Caety Traylow, with Gwaunceste Hill in the far distance.
 ?? ?? Looking over the steep hidden valley of Gilwern Brook from the foot of Caety Traylow.
Looking over the steep hidden valley of Gilwern Brook from the foot of Caety Traylow.
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