The Week - Junior

A deep dive into ocean life

Put on your virtual flippers and become a marine biologist in Endless Ocean Luminous.


Going diving can be an expensive hobby. You need all the right equipment, for a start, and if you want to visit the world’s most beautiful underwater ecosystems, that’ll mean paying for travel and somewhere to stay, too.

A new game called Endless Ocean Luminous gives you a much more affordable taste of diving. Released for Nintendo’s Switch console, it gives you a diving mask and flippers to explore a beautiful underwater world filled with sea life.

The game isn’t set in a real-world ocean like the Pacific or Atlantic; instead, you’re exploring The Veiled Sea, a fictional (made-up) environmen­t. That means it can include the features of many different oceans, such as coral reefs and deep-sea habitats. It also means it can have hundreds of different types of fish and sea creatures – more than

500 species for you to discover. Every time you spot a new one, you can read informatio­n about it: its size, where it lives, how it behaves and more. You can take photos of the creatures and even swim alongside them. You can play Endless Ocean Luminous on your own and just explore, but there are also missions to complete – finding certain species near your current location, for example – which can unlock mythical creatures to spot.

The game also has a multiplaye­r mode, with up to 30 friends online diving together to explore the ocean, sharing discoverie­s and communicat­ing safely with one another by choosing different gestures for your character.

This is the kind of game you can dip into for a few minutes at a time, or spend longer with as a way to relax – while also learning about all those sea life species. Spotting all of them is the ultimate aim of the game but you can take it at your own pace rather than feeling like you have to hurry.


 ?? ?? Swim with life under the sea. hold 96.5% planet’s of all our water.
Explore as part of a team or dive solo.
Swim with life under the sea. hold 96.5% planet’s of all our water. Explore as part of a team or dive solo.
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Discover more than 500 species.
Discover more than 500 species.

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