The Sentinel


‘Hard man’ yob involved himself in street fight that was ‘nothing to do with him’

- Sentinel Reporter

A TEENAGER who thinks he’s ‘a hard man’ has been spared jail after threatenin­g to stab a police officer in the neck.

Bobby Lammin, became embroiled in a fight in Woodland Street, Biddulph, that ‘had nothing to with him’ at 11pm on June 21.

Stoke-on-trent Crown Court heard police were already at the scene and Lammin shouted ‘don’t **** ing touch me man. You touch me one more time and see what happens’.

Despite Lammin’s mother trying to calm him down, he ignored her and started ‘skipping side-to-side’. At this point, officers tried to take hold of him but he wriggled out of his hoodie.

After Lammin approached an officer, colleagues pulled out pepper spray, to which he shouted ‘Don’t spray me’. Prosecutor Emma Swindell told the court he then threatened to stab the officer in the neck, shouting: “Do you know who I am? You don’t know who you’re messing with.”

He then started a fight with another male, punching him to the the back of the head before fleeing. Lammin was later arrested and taken into custody where he answered ‘no comment’ to the questions put to him.

The incident happened while Lammin was serving a 16-month suspended sentence for an offence in Basildon, Essex, on March 14 this year for intent to supply class A and class B drugs. The 19-year-old, of Lynmouth Close, Biddulph, pleaded guilty to using abusive or insulting words or behaviour following the June 21 incident.

Rob Holt, mitigating, said: “He was involved in an incident while in drink. He had been out for a friend’s birthday, saw police dealing with two people fighting and got involved as he thought he was a hard man as reflected in his comments. He is racking up the conviction­s this year, which is not an easy thing to mitigate.

“Things are going well with his new probation officer and he has completed unpaid work in a very short amount of time. During the altercatio­n with the police, he didn’t strike the officer or engage in any act of violence with the officer, unlike the person behind him. There is some real progress being made.”

Lammin, who is originally from Essex, was handed a two-month prison sentence, suspended for two years, with 50 hours’ unpaid work.

Judge Michael Maher told him: “Police officers had attended Woodland Street in what you can see is a brawl. Your mother had to get involved and was trying to calm you down, you weren’t listening to your mother or the law enforcemen­t, you gave it the big one.

“But you’re no different to anyone, you’re a normal individual, you got involved in a fight that had nothing to do with you.

“I’m very close to coming to the view that you’re trying to make a fool of this court. Do you understand Mr Lammin how far you’ve come? You won’t make a fool of this court again. Mr Holt has been valiant on your behalf but he can’t walk on water.”

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