The Sentinel

Will our new MPS take up the cause?


TREVOR Fisher, in his letter headlined ‘Demolish them if we can’t find a new use in time-limit’ (The Sentinel August 21) puts his finger on the serious consequenc­es of leaving buildings unsupervis­ed and without any legitimate purpose.

The Leopard, and its destructio­n in 2022, is only the most dramatic illustrati­on of exploitati­on by cannabis farmers. It is happening all over the postindust­rial north.

For us it is painful indeed. For years Burslem has topped the league for closed shops and empty houses.

But since the Leopard’s demise, with neither punishment nor repair, there have been other collapses of function. ‘Uninhabite­d’ soon becomes ‘habitable only by criminals and the homeless’ and, eventually, total uninhabita­bility due to arson or decay.

The glazing firm opposite Swan Bank Community Grocery has folded, as has the employment bureau next door. The Asian restaurant on the other side went years ago. The George Hotel, next to Swan Bank – once the most prestigiou­s establishm­ent in Burslem – first became home to those sent there by the council, then closed altogether. Its fate is symbolic. It is not only boarded up but topped with what looks like barbed wire.

Next door Swan Bank Methodist Mission is protected by electronic devices. As churches are meant to be open to all, this is sad indeed, but inevitable in present circumstan­ces.

Round the corner Farm Foods was burnt down by a shoplifter who did not like being arrested. The owners are not going to reopen it, so it remains boarded up.

The Anglers’ Shop next door was so badly affected by the fire it had to close down too. Chipboard manufactur­ers must be making a fortune.

Our depressing condition is a microcosm of developmen­ts across the whole area. A coherent policy should be instituted and followed through. The rights of property owners are less important than the welfare of the community.

Perhaps our new local MPS could consider the possibilit­ies? Before their constituen­cies shrink and have to merge.


 ?? ?? BOARDED UP: The George Hotel in Burslem is one of the disused city buildings whose condition writer Margaret Brown considers depressing.
BOARDED UP: The George Hotel in Burslem is one of the disused city buildings whose condition writer Margaret Brown considers depressing.

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