The Sentinel


- Sentinel Reporter

FIVE hundred competitor­s from ten different countries will be in action at a major internatio­nal youth tug of war event at Keele University on Saturday.

The tournament is known as the GENSB Youth Internatio­nal Tug of War Tournament and is an annual event.

The GENSB tournament was founded in 1998 by Germany, England, Netherland­s, Switzerlan­d and Belgium (the name GENSBYOU coming from the first letter of each country).

The spirit behind the tournament is to bring young athletes, between 12 and 19, from different countries together to compete at an internatio­nal level at minimal cost. The tournament involves both boys and girls.

The five countries take it in turns to host the tournament, which has developed into one of the most successful youth tug of war competitio­ns in the world.

A variety of countries from all over the world take part and this year teams from Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Sweden and teams from as far afield as South Africa will be taking part in addition to teams from the five founder countries.

Tug of War Associatio­n spokesman Alan Knott said: “We are very excited to welcome again the GENSB youth internatio­nal tug of war tournament to England.

“It is always a great weekend for our young athletes to come along and get some internatio­nal competitio­n, and this tournament is always a great advert for youth tug of war and also demonstrat­es that young people can work hard and achieve great things if they put their minds to it”

“Tug of War is truly a passion for our teams, and being able to share that with their supporters, family and friends on home soil will be an amazing opportunit­y for them and we know that they will do everyone proud”

“We have previously held the event in the south of the country and this is the first time that we will be coming to Keele University. We have been very impressed with the facilities on offer and we are looking forward to a great weekend.

“Everyone is welcome to come along and support the teams taking part on the day and learn more about the sport of tug of war and the opportunit­ies it has to offer for young people – we would certainly love to see more young people get involved in the sport”

Thirty five clubs from 10 countries will be competing, with eight tug of war clubs from England taking part in the competitio­n, with the tournament getting underway at 12 noon with group stages followed by the knock-out stages of the competitio­n

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 ?? ?? TAKING THE STRAIN: Keele University, below, is the setting on Saturday for a major internatio­nal youth tug of war event.
TAKING THE STRAIN: Keele University, below, is the setting on Saturday for a major internatio­nal youth tug of war event.

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