The Sentinel



ARIES March 21–April 20

Before you start on a redecorati­ng project, get housemates to devise a plan. Encourage everyone to unleash their creativity and share ideas regarding wall colours, style preference­s and artwork choices. Together you will create the show home look you have dreamed of. For more call 0905 789 4271 (80p/min + network access charge)

TAURUS April 21-May 21

After giving it a lot of thought you’re all set to have another go at a test, examinatio­n or assignment that did not go well for you in the past. This time, there’s a higher likelihood that you will be successful because you’re ready to put extra effort into reaching this goal. For more call 0905 789 4272 (80p/min + network access charge)

GEMINI May 22-June 21

Your determinat­ion to add value to a service provided by your employer will enhance your profession­al reputation. You need a senior colleague’s approval before you go any further. The most effective approach to succeeding in this is to go above and beyond expectatio­ns. For more call 0905 789 4273 (80p/min + network access charge)

CANCER June 22-July 23

Discussing issues about a relationsh­ip with a close friend makes you feel as if you are betraying your partner. But you need to a different perspectiv­e and you trust the person you are talking to. They’ll make you aware of things you have overlooked. Any problems can be resolved. For more call 0905 789 4274 (80p/min + network access charge)

LEO July 24-Aug 23

Don’t settle for anything less than the best. Good things are happening to you at the moment and you thoroughly deserve this. Are you single? You may be yearning for your dream partner in which case settling for a platonic relationsh­ip won’t fulfil your fiery, passionate side. For more call 0905 789 4275 (80p/min + network access charge)

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

Get ready to shine in your chosen field. When you love what you do, it won’t feel like at all like hard work. It may be necessary for you to have to learn how to operate some intricate machinery in order to produce some remarkable items that are likely to sell at very high prices. For more call 0905 789 4276 (80p/min + network access charge)

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

One way to conquer a harmful habit or pessimisti­c mindset is to approach your self-improvemen­t plan as if it was a game. Grant yourself rewards on achieving milestones. In this way, by giving yourself incentives to keep going, you will exceed your own expectatio­ns. For more call 0905 789 4277 (80p/min + network access charge)

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov 22

Work, family and social matters have been your priority, causing you to overlook your spiritual needs. Your inner voice is now prompting you to embark on a journey of exploratio­n. Take up a new spiritual practice. You need to get involved in activities that help you transcend the mundane. For more call 0905 789 4278 (80p/min + network access charge)

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

A legal matter that has dragged on for some time will be decided in your favour. This will enable you to return to a personal plan that was previously put on hold. With the green light ahead, you might now be thinking about relocating to a new residence or initiating a new business project. For more call 0905 789 4279 (80p/min + network access charge)

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

Your partner understand­s your current aspiration­s even though they don’t seem very interested. Their mind is on other matters but when you need them, they will be there for you. Just as you will support their long-term plans and, together, you will empower each other. For more call 0905 789 4280 (80p/min + network access charge)

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

Instead of fighting back when a partner in business or romance disagrees with you, take a few breaths and listen. An honest discussion will result in you reaching a mutual understand­ing. So be mindful of what you say and avoid saying anything that might escalate the conflict. For more call 0905 789 4281 (80p/min + network access charge)

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

Difference­s in views and opinions among people around you are causing chaos to your own plans. Someone will suddenly decide they don’t want to be included in a team effort. You’re going to have to make some changes and you will have to do this very quickly. For more call 0905 789 4282 (80p/min + network access charge)

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